
Projeto de Aprendizagem de máquina

Primary LanguageMATLAB

HMN_CE_fast.m is the main program.
It performs CV runs of the following algorithms on the selected dataset:
HMN-E, HMN-C, 1-NN (OTHER = 1 in code to select this algorithm and 1-NN), 
HMN-EI (prova = 1), 
Wilson (Wil = 1), 
ICF (ICF_t = 1), 
DROP3 (drop3 = 1) 

To select a dataset set the corresponding variable to 1, 
for instance with irisd = 1; you will use the iris dataset

The variable more_runs is used to specify if full CV will be performed (more_runs =1) or only one run (more_runs = 0)

results of HMN_CE_fast (accuracy and %removed ) are in the following variables

tot_nn (1-nn)
tot_hmnedit tot_red (HMN-E)
tot_hmn tot_r (HMN-C)
tot_nnicf tot_ricf (ICF)
tot_wil tot_rwil (Wilson)
tot_nndrop tot_rdrop (DROP3)
tot_hmn1 tot_rhmn1 (HMN-EI)

Other files are:

 load_selected_data.m: load selected dataset, uses data in directory DATA!!
 Repeated_ENN_fast.m: Wilson editing algorithm
 NN1cl.m: computes 1-NN
 KNN.m: generic computes K-NN
 ICF_fast.m: ICF algorithm
 call_function_hmn1.m: used in main as part of HMNE
 HMN_construct_fast.m: constructs HMN of dataset
 plot_hm_2d.m: plot hmn graph for 2d input data
 call_function_drop3.m: part of drop3 algorithm
 ENN.m: part of Wilson method
 step2_drop3.m: part of drop3 algorithm
 plot_removed_alg.m: plot  data with remaining points highlighted