
PyCon JP 2016 Talk#054

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Start hacking finance data with Python

PyCon JP 2016 Talk#024 driller@patraqushe

Sample code and files

  • Some code is redundant due to:
    • Python 2/3 support
    • Offline mode
  • No license limitations

Case1-1: Implement Monte-Carlo Simulation in Excel Function

  1. Input formula into a Cell to generate random number with geometric Brownian motion(it satisfies the following stochastic differential equation)

    $$dS_t = \mu S_t,dt + \sigma S_t,dB_t$$

  2. Copy above formula count of sample paths

  3. Classify the result into bin

  4. Count the number of each bins then visualize

Case1-2: Implement Monte-Carlo Simulation in VBA

  • Very long code(especially histogram)

  • When changing the layout of an Excel sheet, you have to change all the addresses of related cells(can handle by "name manager" partially)

  • Very slow

Case1-3: Implement Monte-Carlo Simulation in Python

  • Very short code(especially histogram)

  • No need to consider data storage

  • Faster than VBA

Case-1-4: Correlation between Economic indicator and exchange rate and stock price

  • Open Economic indicator & Stock price Excel file @ vdata.Nikkei.com through pandas

    • Economic indicator
      • Real Gross Domestic Product
      • Diffusion Index
    • Currency Pair : USD/JPY
    • Stock: Nikkei Index
  • Visualize by seaborn

Case1-5: Relationship ETF/J-REIT purchases and stock prices

  • Open Excel files from BOJ site using pandas

  • Load TSE REIT index and stock index price data from k-db site

    • Stock Indices
      • TOPIX
      • JPX400
      • Nikkei225
  • Visualize relationship using seaborn

Case1-6: Download stock prices and store into Excel cells

  • xlwings features

    • Calling Python from Excel
    • Put pandas DataFrame data into Excel cells
    • Uses syntax close to VBA
  • Get stock prices using pandas_datareader

Case1-7: Create User Defined Function by Python, and use it as Excel function

  • Windows only
  • Install add-in
  • Call function written in Python like an Excel function
  • Fetch Excel Range(multiple cells) as array data(pandas or Numpy) in UDF function
  • Input multiple return values into Excel Range(multiple cells)

Case2-1: Use DatetimeIndex

  • pandas.date_range is very useful to create continuous data
  • Advantage of DatetimeIndex :
    • Specify various types when selecting a location
      • datetime.date, datetime.datetime, datetime.time, str, int and so on…
    • Able to parse most known formats(similar to parsing by dateutil.parser)
    • Allows slicing into year, month, etc
    • Handles missing values

Case2-2: Create OHLC data and covert time range

  • Not that easy to create OHLC
  • Convert time-series data into frequencies using the .resample() method
  • .resample() performs resampling operations during frequency conversion
    • Daily, Weekly, 30minute, 1hour, Quarter, etc
  • There are tips to convert between different OHLC data representations

Case2-3: Compute the last trading day by CustomBusinessDay class

  • Import holiday data from YAML file
  • Select the 2nd friday of evey month using pandas.date_range(feq='WOM-2FRI')
  • Skip holidays using the CustomBusinessDay class

Case3-1: Create own magic command

  • Search stock price using "line magic", and output it to IPython.display.Iframe
  • Paste data in various formats into notebook cells using "cell magic" , and convert it into a pandas DataFrame
  • Save frequently used commands to a file and re-use them using %load_ext

Case3-2: ipywidgets is the easiest way to create a UI

  • Easy to implement a UI using the ipywidgets.interact decorator
  • Automatically creates UI controls for function arguments
    • bool: check box
    • Int: slider
  • Creates interactive visualization of moving averages and Bollinger-Bands