
Docker image with Jenkins CI and full PHP configuration and tools

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Docker container with Jenkins CI and full PHP configuration and tools


See it in action here.

This Docker image follows the http://jenkins-php.org/ configuration for installing Jenkins CI and the PHP testing tools.

After you run the container you should use a project built like the example on http://jenkins-php.org/ like this one.

You only need to add build.xml and build/ in your project, put your files in src/, put the tests in tests/ and now you can use the full power of this configuration.

And you can always change the default configuration in build.xml and probably build/phpunit.xml

Configuration of the image

This build uses Ubuntu 14.04 LTS image.

The PHP 5.5 PPA by Ondřej Surý is used for the latest version of PHP and its extensions.

For Jenkins the Debian deb repo is used.

The deb mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt is used for faster local updating/downloading of the apt packages.

DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive and apt-get -qq are used for automatic silent installs.

date.timezone=Europe/Sofia and ;disable_functions= are set in php.ini

The timezone of the server is also set to Europe/Sofia. You can change it in the Dockerfile.

While building from the Dockerfile, after Jenkins is installed and needs its first update there is a wait of 60 seconds until the update script is called.

The Jenkins server is first updated before installing the plugins.

Currently these plugins are installed: checkstyle cloverphp crap4j dry htmlpublisher jdepend plot pmd violations xunit git.

And these PHP testing tools are installed globally through Composer: phpunit/phpunit, squizlabs/php_codesniffer, phploc/phploc, pdepend/pdepend, phpmd/phpmd, sebastian/phpcpd, theseer/phpdox.

Composer installs the tools in /home/jenkins/.composer and makes all of them available globally in /usr/local/bin/.

Composer is set to use git to fetch the dependencies to avoid the GitHub API rate limits.

Port 8080 is exposed and available. This is the default Jenkins' port.

The default CMD in the image is: "sh /run_all.sh"


First download the image:

sudo docker pull iliyan/jenkins-ci-php:1.0.1

And run it:


sudo docker run -d --name jenkins -p iliyan/jenkins-ci-php:1.0.1

Visible from outside on a hosting server:

sudo docker run -d --name jenkins -p VISIBLESERVERPORT:8080 iliyan/jenkins-ci-php:1.0.1


Don't forget to backup the /var/lib/jenkins directory first! It is recommended to always use data volume, mapping a local directory on the host to /var/lib/jenkins.

First pull the latest docker image:

sudo docker pull iliyan/jenkins-ci-php:1.0.1

Then just remove the currently running image with:

sudo docker stop jenkins && sudo docker rm jenkins

Then run the latest image. For example using it with a data volume:

sudo docker run -d --name jenkins -p -v /home/myname/jenkins:/var/lib/jenkins iliyan/jenkins-ci-php:1.0.1

Data Volumes

I suggest you to use a data volume with the container where you use a local directory on the host server and you can backup and reuse it with another container or a new version of this container's image. Let's use it that way:

First copy what is created by the image build script inside /var/lib/jenkins by creating a temporary container:

mkdir /home/myname/jenkins
sudo docker run -ti --name jenkins iliyan/jenkins-ci-php:1.0.1 echo "Hello, Docker"
sudo docker cp jenkins:/var/lib/jenkins/* /home/myname/jenkins/
sudo docker rm jenkins

And then run a new container by specifying the data volume (you'll also need to give rights to the jenkins user on the mapped dir):

sudo docker run -d --name jenkins -p -v /home/myname/jenkins:/var/lib/jenkins iliyan/jenkins-ci-php:1.0.1 bash
chown -R jenkins:jenkins /var/lib/jenkins
sudo docker commit jenkins myname/jenkins
sudo docker run -d --name jenkins -p -v /home/myname/jenkins:/var/lib/jenkins myname/jenkins sh /run_all.sh 

Extending it

If you need to install a new PHP extension or update Jenkins without rebuilding the image, you can start the container with Bash:

sudo docker run -ti --name jenkins_tmp -v /home/myname/jenkins:/var/lib/jenkins iliyan/jenkins-ci-php:1.0.1 bash

Update, install or change any configuration and then exit the container, commit it:

sudo docker commit jenkins_tmp myname/jenkins && jenkins stop jenkins && jenkins rm jenkins jenkins_tmp

Start from the image/tag where you've made and comitted the changes:

sudo docker run -d --name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -v /home/myname/jenkins:/var/lib/jenkins myname/jenkins sh /run_all.sh

You may also want to change the versions of the PHP tools in Dockerfile and rebuild the image.

Inside the directory where the Dockerfile is, the build command will be:

sudo docker build --no-cache --force-rm -t myname/jenkins .

After the buiild use myname/jenkins to run the container

Alternative usage of the PHP testing tools:

You can download all of the tools from your project's composer.json file adding them for example in the dev secion like I did here and here.


You can test the new Jenkins CI installation with this project or this one. Create a new Jenkins Job by using the copy option and use php-template.

Enable the build, pick the Git Option and add the url of the project (try with the ssh and http urls if you are not using credentials).

Save and click Build. Go to the console log to see how it is working. If the project builds successfully you will see the power of CI!

After this long sysadmin task you can continue working with PHP! :)