Heavily based on ttyclock, ttymato is a terminal application to manage your pomodoro sessions.
At the moment, it provides the following features:
- ncurses display à la tty-clock
- manage your pomodoro inside a terminal window (pause, continue, next pomodori and so on)
- notifications and terminal bell to get your attention at the end of intervals
BSD License. See Licence.md file.
usage: ttymato [-hunbN] [-D <pomodoro>,<break>,<longbreak>] [-p number]
-h Print this help
-u Urgent bell on intervals end
-n Notification on intervals end
-N Don't quit on keypress
-b Enable blinking colon
-D Duration of pomodoro, break and longbreak (in minutes)
-p Number of pomodori
- manpage
- server-thread and cli client to get the status and interact with ttymato
- config file loaded at the start
- display commands ("p=pause n=next ...") at the top or the bottom
- action to start over the cycle at the beginning
- options to ask confirmation when doing an irreversible action (quitting, starting over, and so on)