
Index Error

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I try to run the zinbwave function on a data set created from single cell data processed with SEURAT (see attachment). The function call looks as follows:

cd_cells_zinb <- zinbwave(sum_experimet, 
                          K = 10,
                          X = "~batch + nCount_RNA", 
                          verbose = TRUE)

The function output appears to be:

Create model:
Initialize parameters:
Error in result[[njob]] <- value :
  attempt to select less than one element in OneIndex
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In simpute.als(x, J, thresh, lambda, maxit, trace.it, warm.start,  :
  Convergence not achieved by 100 iterations
2: In parallel::mccollect(wait = FALSE, timeout = 1) :
  3 parallel jobs did not deliver results

I have no idea, why that specific error occurs. If I get it right, the function calls a non-existent or empty list entry. Since the input data is a object of class "SummarizedExperiment" and from point of view correctly assembled.
Any ideas guys?


Figured the problem out: parallelization did not work due to not updated C-libraries.
Lesson learned: keep your dependencies up to date!

Which C libraries did you need to update?