
This is a private repo for holding the latest and working changes for a dynamic website hosted in Heroku. The website is about real state .

Primary LanguageCSS

It works with the pyenv django-py3.11
pyenv activate django-py3.11
pip install -r requirements.txt 

- Every time, i change the DB tables. I have to 'manage.py makemigrations',  commit and push to heroku. Once in heroku, I 'heroku run python manage.py migrate -a <app-name>' to create the changes in the tables. 
- At the bottom of settings.py I have 
import django_heroku
which does a bunch of configuration, but if I want to test this locally, I have to comment it it out.
- requirements.py has psycopg settings, but i think this is not needed anymore with django_heroku in place.