Delivery drone

Let's implement 3 classes with inheritance


  • constructor takes name, weight, coords, and saves them
  • coords is list with x and y coordinates, set to [0, 0] by default. It is not a good practice to use mutable object as a default parameter, set it to None by default, and use condition.
  • go_forward, go_back, go_right and go_left methods take a step argument (1 by default) and move the robot by step in the appropriate direction. Positive Y axis is forward, positive X axis is right.
  • get_info method returns a string in the next format Robot: {name}, Weight: {weight}
robot = BaseRobot(name="Walle", weight=34, coords=[3, -2])
robot.coords == [4, -2]
robot.coords == [4, 3]


  • inherits from BaseRobot
  • takes the same args as BaseRobot and passes them to the parent's constructor (use super)
  • can work with z coordinate, coords by default should be [0, 0, 0], use condition to send right coords to parent's constructor
  • has methods go_up and go_down changing z, positive Z axis is up
flying_robot = FlyingRobot(name="Mike", weight=11)
flying_robot.coords = [0, 0, 10]


  • inherits from FlyingRobot
  • takes the same args as FlyingRobot and passes them to the parent's constructor.
  • constructor also takes and stores max_load_weight and current_load.
  • has hook_load method taking Cargo object and saves it to current_load if current_load is None and cargo.weight not greater than max_load_weight of the drone
  • has unhook_load method, that set current_load to None
cargo = Cargo(14)
drone = DeliveryDrone(name="Jim", weight=18, coords=[11, -4, 16], 
                      max_weight_load=20, current_load=None)
drone.current_load is cargo

cargo2 = Cargo(2)
drone.current_load is cargo  
# didn't hook cargo2, cargo already in current load
drone = DeliveryDrone(name="Jack", 
drone.current_load is None