Express Foundation is Express, Foundation, and other useful libraries plus some skeleton code to get your node-based web project up and running quickly.
- Express - Web application framework / server
- Jade - Template engine
- Stylus - Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS preprocessor
- nib - CSS3 extensions for Stylus
- Connect-assets - Rails 3.1-style asset pipeline for Node.js
- nconf - Configuration management
- Mocha - Testing framework
- Chai - BDD / TDD assertion library
- Foundation - Responsive front-end framework
- Foundation Icons - Font icons
- jQuery
- jQuery Digits Plugin - Simple plugin to enforce numeric input in text fields
- Underscore - Utility-belt library for JavaScript
- Backbone - Lightweight Model-View-Collection framework
- Animated loading image that automatically shows/hides on AJAX requests
- Placeholder favicon
- Skeleton code to get you started
- Do
npm install
- Run with
coffee app
/assets (All front end assets to be processed by connect-assets)
foundation.css (Foundation framework)
general_foundicons.css (Foundation Icons CSS)
style.styl (Your project's styles in Stylus. You'll want to break this into multiple files at some point.)
/collections (Backbone colletions)
/models (Backbone models)
/views (Backbone views)
backbone-min.js (Minfied Backbone) (Code that needs to run first to get your app up and running)
jquery-*-min.js (Minified jQuery)
jquery.digits.js (jQuery Digits plugin) (Main site code. All other custom JS will be concatinated into this.)
underscore-min.js (Minified Underscore)
/public (Public files accessible directly from the browser, NOT processed by connect-assets)
general_fondicons.* (Foundation Icon fonts)
loading.gif (Animated loading image)
favicon.ico (Your site's favicon)
/routes (Directory for your Express route scripts) (Example of having routes in separate scripts)
/test (Tests go here. You do use tests right?) (Sample tests for your server)
/views (Server-side views go here)
index.jade (Sample homepage content)
layout.jade (Sample layout) (Main app)
config.json (Sample config file for use with nconf)
package.json (npm package file) (this)