AeroGear UnifiedPush Server Build Status

The AeroGear UnifiedPush Server is a server that allows sending push notifications to different (mobile) platforms. The initial version of the server supports Apple’s APNs, Google Cloud Messaging and Mozilla’s SimplePush.

Getting started

Only three steps are needed to get going!

  • Setup the database by copying this datasource XML file into $JBOSS/standalone/deployments
  • Deploy the two WAR files (auth-server.war and ag-push.war) into $JBOSS/standalone/deployments
  • Start the Server (e.g. $JBOSS/bin/ -b

Now go to http://localhost:8080/ag-push and enjoy the UnifiedPush Server. NOTE: the default user/password is admin:123

For more details about the current release, please consult the README on our stable branch.

Instructions for Keycloak administration console

Note: The instructions below are pretty much based on Keycloak integration with UPS.

Developing and releasing UI

The sources for administration console UI are placed under admin-ui.

For a build of the admin-ui during release, you can just run a Maven build, the admin-ui will be compiled by frontend-maven-plugin during server module build.

For instructions how to develop admin-ui, refer to admin-ui/

Any questions ?

Join our mailing list for any questions and help! We really hope you enjoy our UnifiedPush Server!