- 1
- 1
post_vars Matrix Names
#54 opened by olbeck - 1
- 1
- 3
predict(type = 'subject_specific') not working in model with not positive definite Hessian matrix
#51 opened by moosterwegel - 2
More than one random effect?
#50 opened by datalorax - 4
- 1
- 0
Predict function for hurdle.lognormal response
#46 opened by lruijin - 4
emmeans support doesn't return the link
#45 opened by rvlenth - 2
A problem with the censored.normal() family?
#44 opened by noambard - 4
Issue with data prep for backward formulation
#43 opened by mhowland621 - 6
- 1
Adding "sandwich" argument to mixed_model
#41 opened by blinthwaite - 1
emmeans produces strange (wrong) estimates from beta regression after mixed_model
#40 opened by yuryzablotski - 4
- 1
Documentation contains dead links
#38 opened by cgeger - 1
Error in chol.default(X[[i]], ...)
#36 opened by Ivy-ops - 1
- 2
- 2
- 3
Implement a refit function
#32 opened by florianhartig - 2
Behaviour of weights in GLMMadaptive
#33 opened by florianhartig - 1
- 3
Discussion: Model Selection with GLMMadaptive
#30 opened by mamscience - 1
- 1
- 2
marginal_coefs.MixMod Let user toggle off/on parallel eg use ifelse parLapply or vanilla base::lapply
#24 opened by statsccpr - 1
resids_plot for beta family
#27 opened by TPERRIN684 - 3
- 1
- 1
Allow case-specific weights
#22 opened by lmwang9527 - 1
Degenerate case with constant response
#20 opened by wviechtb - 1
Does max_coef_value work?
#21 opened by wviechtb - 2
mixed_model() without random effect?
#19 opened by andburch - 1
Error with zero_ind vector?
#18 opened by bradleymecham - 7
weights in mixed_model()?
#6 opened by strengejacke - 1
- 3
Error when not converging
#15 opened by strengejacke - 1
Using `update()` to fit a null-model
#16 opened by strengejacke - 5
variance-function in family()
#14 opened by strengejacke - 1
- 1
Bug in predict with subject_specific ?
#12 opened by florianhartig - 1
simulate() doesn't work with k/n binomial
#13 opened by florianhartig - 4
bug in nobs()?
#10 opened by florianhartig - 3
predict() has no default for newdata?
#8 opened by florianhartig - 1
- 3
- 2
- 5
Support for effects-package
#4 opened by strengejacke