Extract community interest statements, activities and community benefit from CIC36 documents.
- Install python
- Download this repository and extract to its own directory
- Open your command line or terminal and navigate to the directory containing the code
- Create a python virtual environment:
python -m venv env
- Activate the virtual environment:
- Windows:
- Mac/Linux:
source env/bin/activate
- Windows:
- Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the program, use the following command in the command line or terminal:
python -m extraction "path/to/files/**.*" "results.csv"
Replace the "path/to/files/**.*"
with the location of your files. These can either contain PDF files or ZIP files that contain PDFs. The file path uses pythons glob syntax so you can match multiple files using the "*" wildcard.
The results are output as a csv to "results.csv" or another file if given. If the CSV already exists then the results will be appended rather than overwritten.