
Utilities to Laravel projects

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel utilities

A collection of utilities to Laravel projects. This package


  • PHP ^8.0
  • Laravel ^9.2


Add this repository in your composer.json

"repositories": [  
        "type": "vcs",  
        "url": "https://github.com/labelgrupnetworks/laravel-utilities"  

After install your composer dependencies.

composer install

Composer will require an access token to install the dependency, write it down if you already have one.

This package will be constantly updated. If you want to update the package to have the latest version:

composer update labelgrup/laravel-utilities

Table of contents



Command to create a Request adapted for API requests in /App/Http/Requests/Api/. Parse fails request and response using JSON.

This entity works like native Laravel Requests

php artisan make:api-request {ApiRequestName}


Command to create a UseCase in /App/UseCases/ to decouple the different Strong actions.

php artisan make:use-case {UseCaseName}

The class generated extend to UseCase and has UseCaseInterface. This class required implement the method action and have the handler method to response.

class ExampleUseCase extends \Labelgrup\LaravelUtilities\Core\UseCases\UseCase
	public function action()
		* Require implement use case action

	public function handle(): \Labelgrup\LaravelUtilities\Core\UseCases\UseCaseResponse
		* This method is optional to customize response. Require use UseCaseResponse class

If you want to customize the response implement the handle and return method to UseCaseResponse.

You can specify $response_message to set a message for OK response.

public string $response_message = 'Action has been finished';



This class helps to parse responses for APIs. Methods:

// Help to parse a success response
public static function done(
	string $message,
	array $data = [],
	int $code = Response::HTTP_OK
): JsonResponse

// Help to parse a fail response
public static function fail(
	string $message,
	array $errors = [],
	int $code = Response::HTTP_OK
): JsonResponse

// Help to parse a response
public static function response(
	array $data,
	int $code
): JsonResponse

// Help to parse a response
public static function response(
	array $data,
	int $code
): JsonResponse


This class facilitates some actions on images.

// Get extension from Image url
public static function getExtensionImageFromUrl(
	string $url
): ?string

// Destroy a image
public static function destroy(
	string $src
): bool

// Download image from url
public static function downloadFromUrl(
	string $url,
	string $fileName
): void


This class facilitates some actions with passwords.

// Get secure rules for passwords
public static function rule(
	int $min_size = self::PASSWORD_LENGTH
): \Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password

// Generate a secure and unleaked password
public static function generateSecurePassword(
    int $length = self::PASSWORD_LENGTH,
    int $max_retries = self::MAX_RETRIES
): string

// Checks if the given password is already leaked
public static function isLeakedPassword(
    string $password
): bool


This class facilitates some actions on texts.

// Sanitize a text
public static function sanitize(
	string $text,
	string $divider = '-'
): string


This class facilitates some actions with time.

// Parse time from seconds to humans
public static function parseTimeForHumans(
	int $inputSeconds,
	string $unitMin = 's'
): string


This class facilitates some actions with zip files.

// Create a zip file of a folder with hierarchy subfolders
public static function create(
	string $zipFile,
	string $sourcePath
): ?string



Get a slug rule to validate slugs in RequestForm