
This is a search engine created for the Gutenberg Project archive. It is implemented in python and the front end part is created with the flask framework.

Primary LanguageHTML

Python Search Engine

This is a search engine on the *Gutenberg Project archive. It is implemented with python and the front end part is handled with Flask framework.

Demo: search.gkos.dev

It is consisted of 2 basics elements:

The first one is the BuildIndex.py which scans the archive and creates an Inverted File and a file with the Document Names. I am using 3-in-4 Front Coding compression.

The second part is the index.py(or QueryIndex.py as it was originally named). Through the front-end part(form.html) the user enters the keywords. The index.py is called which searches inside the inverted file using tf*idf. The results are separated in two parts: All the documents the keywords found in and the documents in which the keywords were found as a phrase. Then the results are being printed firstly including all the documents and secondly the top 10 documents based on the tf*idf.