

  1. Clone this repo
git clone
  1. Place an .mp4 in the /videos/ folder and change its name to screensaver.mp4
  2. Navigate to Screen Savers in OSX System Preferences [System Preferences] => [Desktop & Screen Saver] => [Screen Saver]
  3. Select WebViewScreenSaver, then open Screen Saver Options...
  4. Check Fetch URLs Remotely
  5. In the URL field, enter the address for the player.html file in this repo: file:///Users/PATH/TO/REPO/web_screensaver/player.html Make sure to replace /PATH/TO/REPO with the correct destination settings
  6. Enjoy your video as your screensaver


An easy way to grab videos is using youtube-dl (available via brew install youtube-dl).

Some cool videos I use for screensavers: