
This repo contains the coursework and projects that were done over the course of my M.S. in Applied Statistics.

Primary LanguageR

M.S. in Applied Statistics Cookbook

This repo contains the coursework and projects that were done over the course of my M.S. in Applied Statistics.

This is meant to be a portfolio of my progress as a Statistician, and a reference as there are some helpful snippets in here.


  • Probability & Statistics Series 1-3 (Not Shown)
  • Applied Statistics Series 1-3
  • Applied Regression Analysis
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Generalized Linear Models
  • Optimization Theory
  • Monte Carlo Simulations
  • Bayesian Statistics


  • Probability & Statistics Cookbook

    While I do have notes from Probability and Statistics 1-3, this cookbook does an excellent job summarizing the content so in lieu of the laborious effort of copying my notes into here, this will do instead.