
Python OpenCL Helper Classes For Productivity

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Documentation Status

PyOCL Module Repository

Provides convenience methods and boiler-plate code for interacting and setting up the OpenCL compute environment based on the capabilities provided by PyOpenCL. This is to aid setting up simulations for use in development. Common routines and flags are enabled for convenience to improve productivity and provide a consistent environment to develop in.


Installation is currently supported on Windows and Linux. PyOCL can be installed along with dependencies using

pip install pyocl

Depending on your environment, you will need to install the latest version of PyOpenCL with support dependencies. This can be done through the Anaconda distribution,

conda install -c conda-forge pyopencl

For Windows platforms, PyOpenCL generally do not have the GlInterop capabilties compiled in. Binary python package for PyOpenCL that has been compiled with the GlSharing is available via Christoph Gohlke's repository.


The basic usage for PyOCL is relatively straightforward once an OpenCL environment is available and pyopencl has been installed. The project aims to compliment the pyopencl library to provide additional convenience methods and a concise framework for prototyping and developing simulations using OpenCL. The following example demonstrates initiliasing a default GPU device and accessing the basic components from pyopencl for creating and launching a kernel.

import pyocl

ocl = pyocl.Core(useGpu = True)

# Get the current selected platform
platform = ocl.platform

# Identify the GPU Devices available
gpuDevices = ocl.gpuDevices

# Number of compute units available on
numComputeUnits = ocl.computeUnits

# Get the current OpenCL device
computeDevice = ocl.device

# Get the OpenCL context for Initialising the Kernel and Command Queue
context = ocl.context

The further usage can be built upon subclassing OpenCLSimBase, to provide the basic mechanism for launching and

import pyopencl as cl

class Sim(pyocl.OpenCLSimBase):

    def __init__(self, u0):

        # Launch the Kernel Generation


        # Dimensions of the work item
        self.nx = u0.shape[0]
        self.ny = u0.shape[1]

    def initialiseData(self, u0):
        """  Uploads initial data to the CL device """

        # PyOpenCL flags for transferring data
        mf = cl.mem_flags

        # Copy from host memory to the device
        transferFlag = mf.COPY_HOST_PTR

        # Upload data to the device
        self.u0 = cl.Buffer(self.ocl.context, mf.READ_WRITE | transferFlag, hostbuf=u0)

    def kernel(self):
        # The kernel can be an inbuilt string or be from an external file which is formatted via the Mako Python Library

        from mako.template import Template
        with open('./kernelSource.cl') as f:
            code = str(Template(f.read()).render())

        return code

    def launch(self):
        # Execute program on device

        # Launch the kernel and put on the OpenCL queue for processing
        ev = self.program.myKernel(self.queue, (self.nx, self.ny), self.workGroupSize, self.u1, self.u0,)

        ev.wait()  # wait for kernel to finish (i.e. synchronous execution)

    def download(self):
        """ Enables downloading data from CL device to Python """

        # Allocate data on the host for result - this does not exist by default
        u1 = np.empty((self.nx, self.ny), dtype=np.float32)

        #  Transfers a copy from the device buffer (u0) to host array (self.u0)
        # is_blocking is by default true on transfers between the host
        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, u1, self.u1, is_blocking=True)

        # Return
        return u1

Further examples can be found in documented examples and also via the project documentation.