
Download a Spotify playlist through Youtube

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tool which can be ran from the command line to download a Spotify playlist through Youtube, via youtube-dl.


git clone https://github.com/adhorrig/spodl.git
cd spodl
npm install

What you need

  1. Spotify client id and secret. (Gotten from: https://developer.spotify.com/)

  2. Spotify account name and playlist ID. (Playlist ID is the alphanumeric string following /playlist/)

  3. Youtube API Key. (Gotten from: https://console.developers.google.com)

  4. Youtube-dl installed on your machine. (Gotten from: https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/)


Open config.js and substitute in your Spotify clientId and clientSecret, as well as your Youtube API Key. After this you can then run node src/index.js spotify_account_name spotify_playlist_id

For example:

node src/index.js adam4543 7KLGqYIgcNeoWepuZ2sjXC

This will create a new directory using the playlist id and download all songs from the playlist into that directory.

If you would like to also download the music video, rather than just audio you can include video at the end of the command.

For example:

node src/index.js adam4543 7KLGqYIgcNeoWepuZ2sjXC video

If video is not specified, only the audio will be downloaded.