The Max SX8 DVB-S/S2/S2X PCIe tuner card by DigitalDevices features an SDR mode that allows one to get the raw IQ data for a given frequency (in the 950MHz to 2150MHz range) and bandwidth (in the following refered to as symbol rate) to a maximum a little above 60MHz.
The program ddsx8-spec is an example written in C to show how to use the SDR mode of the DigitalDevices MAX SX8 to get the raw IQ data. It calculates the frequency spectrum of the incoming raw IQ data signal around a given center frequency. The bandwidth used is 51.2 MHz ging us a 50kHz resolution for an FFT of length 1024. The spectrum is of course distorted at the edges, due to the finite aspect of the FFT. For a full spectrum smaller windows around the center of consecutive frequencies are stitched together.
There is a problem with the older SX8 firmwares when trying to do this too fast. The SDR feature is still experimental and will and already has been improved in newer firmwares.
You need to set the polarisation and the band of your LNB via command line. Unicable tuning is not yet supported and will probably be much slower for a full spectrum scan, you can still scan the spectrum of the Unicable band and depending on the settings of the unicable channels should be able to see a Unicable spectrum like in the picture above.
The spectrum is written to stdout by default either in the PAM image format or as CSV. Use the -o option to write to a file.
Compilation of the program
You have to build ddsx8-spec with
You need to install the libfftw3 library which, depending on your System system, would look like this:
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev
Debian: sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev
Alpine Linux: sudo apk add fftw-dev
then change into the directory of the repository
and compile the program
For usage information use the -h option.
usage: ./ddsx8-spec <options>
-d delsys : the delivery system (not needed for spectrum)
-a adapter : the number n of the DVB adapter, i.e.
/dev/dvb/adapter[n] (default=0)
-e frontend : the frontend/dmx/dvr to be used (default=0)
-f frequency : center frequency of the spectrum in kHz
-i input : the physical input of the SX8 (default=0)
-l ls l1 l2 : set lofs lof1 lof2
: (default 11700000 9750000 10600000)
-L n : diseqc switch to LNB/SAT number n (default 0)
-p pol : polarisation 0=vertical 1=horizontal
: (must be set for any diseqc command to be send)
-s rate : the symbol rate in Symbols/s
-u : use hi band of LNB
-D : use 1s delay to wait for LNB power up
-U type : lnb is unicable type (1: EN 50494, 2: TS 50607
3: Inverto LNB of type 2 with 32 pre-programmed slots)
-j slot freq : slot s freqency f ( default slot 1 freq 1210 in MHz)
-J freq : freq (default 1210 MHz)
-k : use Kaiser window before FFT
-l alpha : parameter of the Kaiser window
-n number : number of FFTs averaging (default 1000)
-q : faster FFT
-b : turn on agc
-c : continuous PAM output
-t : output CSV
-T : output minimal CSV
-x f1 f2 : full spectrum scan from f1 to f2
(default -x 0 : 950000 to 2150000 kHz)
-g s : blindscan, use s to improve scan (higher
s can lead to less false positives,
but may lead to missed peaks)
-o filename : output filename (default stdout)
-h : this help message
Typical calls would be:
./ddsx8-spec -f 1030000 -k -t -o test.csv
to get the spectrum around 1030000 kHz with the (for now) fixed bandwidth of 51200 kHz and write it to a CSV file, which could be visualized by using a program like gnuplot (see test.gnuplot). I switch off the AGC, but with -b you can turn it back on (see dvb.h and dvb.c on how to do it). It should stay off for a full spectrum scan.
If you select the PAM format as output you can use ffplay to view the data as single image via a pipe:
./ddsx8-spec -f 1030000 -k | ffplay -f pam_pipe -
or continuously:
./ddsx8-spec -f 1030000 -k -c | ffplay -f pam_pipe -
If you use the -t option and write the resulting comma separated list into the file test.csv like this:
./ddsx8-spec -f 1210 -t -o test.csv
you can use the gnuplot program to display the data with the added gnuplot file test.gnuplot like this:
gnuplot test.gnuplot
The -x option can be used to get a full spectrum scan with CSV output like this ( it will take a few seconds ):
./ddsx8-spec -k -x 0 -t -o test.csv
or as pam
./ddsx8-spec -k -x 0 | ffplay -f pam_pipe -
or for a specific frequency range, e.g. 1000000 kHz to 1200000 kHz
./ddsx8-spec -k -x 1000000 1200000 -t -o test.csv
or as pam
./ddsx8-spec -k -x 1000000 1200000 | ffplay -f pam_pipe -
If you want to stream the video, try using this pipe:
| ffmpeg -f pam_pipe -i - -vc h264 -f mpegts - | vlc -I dummy - --sout='#std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=:8554}'
and play it with
vlc http://<myip>:8554
The -g option of ddsx8-spec is in an experimental stage and will output a list of peaks in CSV format with some information about the peaks, if you also chose the -t option. Otherwise, it will output a graph that shows the original spectrum and boxes where the respective peaks were found.
Use the number after g to fine-tune the scan.
./ddsx8-spec -k -x 0 -g 6 | ffplay -f pam_pipe -
dd_param_zap is a DVB tuning program, where you can (or have to) set all the parameters by hand, i.e.
./dd_param_zap -f 12188000 -s 27500000 -p h -U 2 -j 1 1210 -i 2 1420000 -l 1170000 9750000 10600000
./dd_param_zap -d C -f 130000 -s 6900000 -a 1 -e 1
-d delsys : the delivery system
-a adapter : the number n of the DVB adapter, i.e.
/dev/dvb/adapter[n] (default=0)
-e frontend : the frontend/dmx/dvr to be used (default=0)
-f frequency : center frequency in kHz
-i input : the physical input of the SX8 (default=0)
-I id : set id (don't not use if you don't know)
-l ls l1 l2 : set lofs lof1 lof2
: (default 11700000 9750000 10600000)
-L n : diseqc switch to LNB/SAT number n (default 0)
-p pol : polarisation 0=vertical 1=horizontal
: (must be set for any diseqc command to be send)
-s rate : the symbol rate in Symbols/s
-u : use hi band of LNB
-D : use 1s delay to wait for LNB power up
-U type : lnb is unicable type (1: EN 50494, 2: TS 50607
3: Inverto LNB of type 2 with 32 pre-programmed slots)
-j slot : slot s ( default slot 1)
-J freq : freq (default 1210 MHz)
-N : get NIT
-S : get SDT
-P : get PAT and PMTs
-F : do full NIT scan
-C : keep device open and check strength
-o filename : output filename
-h : this help message
pam_test ist just a helper program to test the pam graphics. Try
./pam_test| ffplay -f pam_pipe -