small example programs in C and PYTHON to show IQ data with libdddvb and DigitalDevices MAX SX8
For the C example
You have to build dvb_iq with
You need to install the libdddvb library
and GTK 3.0 libraries as well as dvben50221.
On an Ubuntu system this would look like this:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk-3-dev libglib2.0-dev pkg-config dvb-apps
git clone
cd dddvb/lib/; make
sudo make install
git clone
(Tell me if I forgot any)
A typical example call would be:
./dvb_iq -d S2 -p v -f 10847000 -s 23000000 -c ~/ddzapconf/ -l64 -i 0x10000000
As with ddzap, the -d, -p, -f, -s options set the tuning parameters and the -c points to the directory of the LNB configuration file dddvb.conf. The -l64 is due to my setup of using 4 unicable LNBs on 2 cables with 2 LNBs on each cable, i.e. in port one are 2 LNBs pointing at Astra 19.2E and Eutelsat 13E (-l0 -l1) and on the second port are Astra 28.2E and one test LNB which may vary (-l64 and -l65).
The line above visualizes the output you would get from:
ddzap -d S2 -p v -f 10847000 -s 23000000 -c ~/ddzapconf/ -l64 -i 0x10000000 -o
Additionally you can use dvb_iq with any program that gives you IQ symbols in 8bit integer format, e.g. with ddzap that would be:
ddzap -d S2 -p v -f 10847000 -s 23000000 -c ~/ddzapconf/ -l64 -i 0x10000000 -o | ./dvb_iq
tuning parameters are for astra 28°E with my unicable setup and the lnb connected to the second input of my MAX SX8 with your LNB config file in ~/ddzapconf/
./dvb_iq -d S2 -p v -f 12522000 -s 22500000 -c ~/ddzapconf/ -l64 -i 0x10000000 -q6
on Astra 28°E for a nice 16PSK example.
There is one more cli option for chosing the color scheme:
./dvb_iq -q X
selects scheme number X (1=red, 2=green, 3=blue, 4= multi color)
I added a simpler program that takes the same CLI options but just creates PAM images which can be fed to ffplay as follows:
/iq_pam -d S2 -p v -f 12522000 -s 22500000 -c ~/ddzapconf/ -l64 -i 0x10000004 -q 6| ffplay -f pam_pipe -i -
You could also stream it like this (see stream.example):
./iq_pam -d S2 -p v -f 12522000 -s 22500000 -c ~/ddzapconf/ -l64 -i 0x10000000 -q 6| ffmpeg -f pam_pipe -i - -vcodec libx264 -f mpegts - | vlc -I dummy - --sout='#std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=:8554}'
For the PYTHON example
Just use e.g. as follows:
ddzap -d S2 -p v -f 10847000 -s 23000000 -c ~/ddzapconf/ -l64 -i 0x10000000 -o | ./