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# VisMRI

There are three functions in the functions subfolder. 

- **nifti2df**: after having read a nii.gz file with oro.nifti's readNIFTI function, use this function to transform the 3D matrix into a 2D long data.frame for ggplot  
- **plotNifti**: function to plot the file created by the above function.

```{r echo=F}
library(tidyverse); library(oro.nifti); library(plotly); library(shiny)

sapply(list.files("functions",pattern=".R", full.names = T), source)

#Read in background image and convert
BG = readNIfTI("data/Fix_94_FL12DW_291115_NoDiff/bg_image.nii.gz") %>% 

#Read in overlay (stats) 
Cope3 = readNIfTI("data/Fix_94_FL12DW_291115_NoDiff/cope3.feat/stats/zstat5.nii.gz") %>% 
  nifti2df() %>% rename(Cope3=Val)

# Add overlay to the df for plotting (will only work with one overlay)
IMG = left_join(BG, Cope3, by = c("X", "Y", "Z"))

# Try some plotting!
plotNifti(BG, view="axial")
plotNifti(Cope3, view="sagittal")
plotNifti(Dat=IMG, view="sagittal", threshMin=2)
plotNifti(Dat=IMG, view="axial", slice=30,threshMin=2.5)