
A C library for calculating Roman numerals like the Romans might have.

Primary LanguageC

Roman Numeral Calculator

This repository contains a solution to the Roman Calculator Kata written in C. Upon compilation it provides a roman_calculator library with two functions

add_roman_numerals(A, B)


subtract_roman_numerals(A, B)

That take as input two Roman numerals A and B written as strings and return the sum A + B and difference A - B (respectively), as dynamically allocated strings.


Throughout the code I use standard terminology about Roman numerals, such as "subtractive" and "additive" representations of these numbers. All of the concepts are discussed on Wikipedia.

Instructions/Make Targets

The project's Makefile should be called from its root directory, and provides the following targets:

  • all (default): Compiles src/roman_calculator.c into the archive file build/libroman_calculator.a
  • check: Compiles and runs through the Check unit tests found in tests/check_roman_calculator.c.
  • dev: Runs the all recipe followed by check.
  • install: Compiles and installs the calculator library in a library directory of your choosing (specified by setting the PREFIX environment variable) or /usr/local/lib by default.

Tested Environments

  • Written on a PC running Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa.
  • Tested on a fresh virtual machine install of Ubuntu 14.04 with git, build-essentials, pkg-config, and check packages installed.

Implementation Notes

  • The instructions for this C kata say that

    As we are in Rome there is no such thing as decimals or int, we need to do this with [...] strings.

    In my solution, I've roughly interpreted this instruction as

    Don't calculate A +/- B by converting A and B to decimal, performing +/- on the resulting ints, and converting back. Finish the kata without relying on special properties of place-value number systems or existing addition/subtraction functions for built-in types.

  • The definition of Roman numerals in the instructions is not restrictive enough to make it so that there is a unique representation of each number as a Roman numeral. For example, both "CMXCIX" and "IM" can be used to represent 999 based on the rules described in the kata. My addition and subtraction functions always output a Roman numeral meeting all of the rules from the instructions and, at points where the instructions are ambiguous, appeal to modern conventions. For instance, if A and B are two of the characters 'I', 'V', 'X', 'L', 'C', 'D', and 'M' such that A is less than B, the subtractive form "AB" can only appear as a substring of the output of one of these functions if the value of A is a power of 10 ('I', 'X', or 'C') and B is worth at most ten times the value of A (so 'V' or 'X' if A == 'I', 'L' or 'C' if A == 'X', etc.).

  • As I wrote this code as my solution to a kata, I focused primarily on the main algorithm itself and not, for example, validating user input. Currently both arithmetic functions call a validate_user_input function that simply exits early with an error if either input does not consist entirely of the "Roman characters" 'I', 'V', 'X', 'L', 'C', 'D', and 'M'. Ensuring that each input string is '\0'-terminated and obeys the rules of being a Roman numeral would both be important (and straightforward) additions here before exposing these functions to users.

    On the other hand, this means that the calculator is quite flexible in terms of its input, and any unambiguous representation of a Roman numeral can be used as input with predictable results. So, for instance, the calculator is perfectly happy to accept "IIIIIIIII" instead of "IX", but it is not designed to attempt to handle an ambiguous numeral such as "IVX", which could be used to denote either 6 = 10 - (5 - 1) or 4 = (10 - 5) - 1. Again, however, error handling in the ambiguous cases could easily be added.

Notes on Unit Testing

Due to time constraints I decided to limit my unit testing in this kata to tests that allowed me to reach a finished product. That said, if I was intending to maintain this project long term, a more robust set of unit tests including all of the following would be. Below I've listed a couple thoughts on how one could expand the test framework before doing major refactoring/releasing this code in a mission critical setting.

  • Input validation tests for this exercise were my lowest priority, since they aren't really called for explicitly in the prompt, but I at least created a stub function validate_input_strings that currently just checks that input strings do not contain (non-terminal) characters other than the seven symbols 'I', 'V', ..., and 'M' that are permitted in a valid Roman numeral. This should be expanded with additional tests that verify the input strings are valid representations of Roman numerals (and not, for instance, the ambiguous Roman numerals I mentioned earlier). Of course, to make this library secure we should probably switch to something other than C strings entirely (and, at very least, make a reasonable attempt at checking that input strings are null terminated), but that's a subject unto itself.

  • With our Roman numeral rules, every numeral exceeding 1000 is the concatenation of a string of 'M' characters followed by a numeral with value less than 1000. Ignoring validating input, one can accordingly be pretty confident in an implementation of the add_ and subtract_roman_numerals functions so long as

    1. the values of add_ and subtract_roman_numerals(X, Y) are correct for Roman numerals X, Y with values up to 1000, and
    2. these functions correctly carryover when the input is greater than 1000, supporting prepending arbitrarily many M's to the output.

    Assuming 1. has been verified, test coverage for point 2. can be reasonably comprehensive with only a handful of tests. Regarding point 1., a brute force test of the addition function for all valid input pairs representing values at most 1,000 can be achieved in 1,000,000 tests or even 1000 * 1001 / 2 = 500500 tests assuming that add_roman_numerals(X, Y) == add_roman_numerals(Y, X) can be verified to our satisfaction through other means. Such a small amount of computations can be easily tested (perhaps through a less-frequently-run alternative test file/suite) with any modern computer. Out of curiosity, I brute force tested both functions on my 2008 ThinkPad, and (in addition to confirming the algorithms works as intended!) the tests each ran in under 5 seconds. That number remained below 30 seconds for much larger upper bounds on the input values.

    Because of this one could either replace the vast majority of the tests in our current suites with a brute force method or (better yet) provide a more comprehensive second test file containing a brute force check that could be less frequently. My preference would be to speed up this test by minimizing redundancy, since it's clear here that the total number of assertions could be reduced from the brute force test by several orders of magnitude without noticeably impacting test coverage. Regardless, I thought it worth pointing out that, thanks to how Roman numerals represent integers, this is one of the unusual moments where a brute force testing suite is tractable.