Welcome to the IBM @ SFHTML5 Challenge ✌️😺

  1. Sign up for IBM account
  2. Log In and Initialize Watson Language Translate Service
  3. Say hello in your favorite language using TJBot Simulator

Welcome! Follow the steps below to enter the IBM challenge at SFHTML5 October 2019. You DO NOT need a credit card to complete this challenge. It should take you approximately 5 minutes to complete the challenge.

Sign up for IBM Cloud account

  1. Go to IBM Cloud Registration and enter the required information.

IBM Sign up

  1. You will receive a confirmation email. Click on Confirm Account to finish signing up for your IBM Cloud account
  2. Log into your IBM Cloud account and follow the steps below.

Log In and Initialize Watson Language Translate Service

  1. Click on Create resource.

IBM Sign up

  1. Type in translate in the search bar to look for the translation service.

IBM Sign up

  1. Choose the Lite plan and click create.

IBM Sign up

  1. Make an note of your API key under the Manage section of the page. Or you can always come back to this page for it.

IBM Sign up

Say hello in your favorite language using TJBot Simulator

  1. Go to the TJBot Simulator.

IBM Sign up

  1. Click the play button and the light on top of the bot should turn green.

  2. Paste your translator API key in the .env tab.

IBM Sign up

  1. Click on the Docs tab.

IBM Sign up

  1. Look for the translate section. Either copy paste the code or simply click on the code to copy in the editor.

IBM Sign up

  1. That's it! Click on the play button and then head over to the console tab to see the result. You can also change console.log(...) to alert(...). IBM Sign up

Note: The following languages are currently supported by Watson Lanuage Translation Service:

IBM Sign up

Check here for an updated list.

Enter the challenge

  1. Take a screenshot and tweet with @IBMDeveloper and @sfhtml5 and hastags #TJBot.
  2. Or, come by our booth and show us your final TJBot output to finish the challenge.