
Prevent single Dynos on Heroku to idle

Primary LanguageErlang


Prevent single Dynos on Heroku to idle


  1. Clone the project:

    • git clone https://github.com/drobakowski/wake-up-dyno.git && cd wake-up-dyno
  2. Configure the names of the dynos you want to prevent to idle:

    • vi bin/wake-up-dyno.config
    • Commit your the changes: git commit -m "Configured some dynos to wake" bin/wake-up-dyno.config
  3. Add the Heroku buildpack as described at Heroku buildpack:

    • heroku create --buildpack "https://github.com/archaelus/heroku-buildpack-erlang.git"
  4. Deploy your code to Heroku:

    • git push heroku master
  5. Open the Heroku app dashboard

    • Go to the resource settings of the new created app and click 'Get Add-ons'
    • Search for the 'Heroku Scheduler' and add the free standard plan to your app
    • Go back to your shell and execute: heroku addons:open scheduler
    • Click 'Add Job...' and set wake-up-dyno as the task to execute hourly
  6. Check if everything works properly

    • Run: heroku run bash
    • Execute: ./bin/wake-up-dyno and check the console output for errors

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