This project sets up the Deployit online demo. It is meant to be run from a newly provisioned Amazon EC2 image.
- yum update
- yum install git puppet
- change /etc/ssh/sshd_config: ** PasswordAuthentication yes ** PermitEmptyPasswords no
- curl -o aws (to download the Deployit binaries from S3, see
- (to render the markdown online demo docs)
Our stuff:
- cd /etc/puppet
- git clone git://
- install dependencies (see below)
- puppet apply --modulepath /etc/puppet/online-demo/modules /etc/puppet/online-demo/manifests/database.pp
- puppet apply --modulepath /etc/puppet/online-demo/modules /etc/puppet/online-demo/manifests/webserver.pp
- puppet apply --modulepath /etc/puppet/online-demo/modules /etc/puppet/online-demo/manifests/appserver.pp
- puppet apply --modulepath /etc/puppet/online-demo/modules /etc/puppet/online-demo/manifests/deployit.pp
There is an init script at
You'll need the following dependencies to run the demo:
- jbossas-plugin.jar
- deployment-test2-plugin-1.0-milestone-7.jar
- (from
They are stored in an S3 bucket deployit-online-demo.
- launch a Large instance from our Online Demo AMI
- wait until it is up
- copy the public DNS name
- try to access http://PUBLIC_DNS_NAME:4516/
The AMI already contains all required middleware to be able to run the demo. When it starts, the httpd server, jboss and mysql are all started through init scripts.
- the downloaded files end up in directory /download-cache to keeps things in sync with our current vagrant setup.
- the directory /demo-files on the AMI is also used, it is a symlink to the files directory in this project.
To access the Deployit server, visit http://PUBLIC_DNS_NAME:4516/
Username/password: admin/admin
Documentation can be found at http://PUBLIC_DNS_NAME/online-demo/
When a customer requests a demo, send him/her an email with the following content:
Dear Deployit customer,
thank you for requesting a Deployit demo!
These are the addresses and credentials you will need:
Deployit online demo: *specify URL*
Deployit username: *specify username*
Deployit password: *specify password*
Deployit online demo scenario: *specify URL*
The demo makes use of some middleware, namely an apache webserver, JBoss application server and MySQL database. You can access the webserver on *specify URL*.
We hope you enjoy learning about the Deployit application release automation solution. If you have any questions or run into problems, please contact us at