
User interface for Keboola Connection

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Keboola Connection UI

Build Status

User interface for Keboola Connection


  • Make sure you have Node 7 installed (node -v)
  • Clone this repository
  • We are using Yarn instead of NPM.
  • Install dependencies yarn (or yarn install)
  • Serve, watch and test with live reload yarn start
  • Open this url in your browser http://localhost:3000/?token=YOUR_STORAGE_API_TOKEN
    • By default UI is connected to https://connection.keboola.com. If you want to connect it to another host, you can use host parameter http://localhost:3000/?token=YOUR_STORAGE_API_TOKEN&host=http://kbc.local

Application will be opened in your browser and will be hot reloaded after each change in source files.

Running in Docker

  • Docker Engine and Docker Compose combination which supports Docker Compose file v2 is required
  • Yarn is already installed (see Dockerfile)

Just run:

  • docker-compose run --rm --service-ports node
  • then yarn and yarn start
  • open same URL as in section above

Build dist package

  • yarn build (npm run build) (It is executed by Travis after each push)

Application Architecture

  • Single page application running in browser data fetching from Keboola REST APIs.
  • Written in ES2015 (ES6) compiled to JS using Babel (older parts are written in Coffeescript).
  • Bundled by Webpack.
  • View layer is composed by React components
  • Flux Architecture with unidirectional data flow controlling whole application. Vanilla Flux implementation is used.
  • React Router for routing
  • Keboola Bootstrap for UI components style. It is based on Twitter Bootstrap

React Components Best Practices

  • It has to be pure it means rendered result is dependent only on components props and state. PureRenderer mixin can be then utilized
  • Component props and state should be Immutable structures
  • Define Prop Types form component. It is validated in development runtime and also in build step using ESlint
  • Separate component which involves some data fetching to container components holding the fetched state and simple component rendering the data received using props. Read more about this pattern
    • Most of component should be "dumb" only with props, these are easiest to understand and most reusabled. Only top level components and container component should be connected to Flux stores. state can be of course used for things like open modal or acccordion status or temporary edit values in modal.
    • If you want to enhance component behaviour or inject some data consider using High Order Components It allows great composability using functions.

UX Guidelines

  • Try to reuse components from KBC Bootstrap
  • Provide instant feedback for all actions.
  • Provide confirmation and explanation for possibly destructive actions (delete configuration, run job)
  • UI should be self explainable and it should guide you to required actions. e.q. Database extractor configuration flow.
  • Data fetching
    • Render the page when the primary data are available.
    • Some additionally data can be fetched later, loader should be shown when data are not yet loaded.

Code linting

We are using popular Eslint with custom .eslintrc file

  • Linting is automatically run before test task
  • run yarn lint (npm run lint) - to run linting
  • run yarn lint:fix (npm run lint:fix) - to run linting with fixes (when fix is possible)
  • run yarn lint[:fix] -- VersionsDropdown (npm run lint[:fix] -- VersionsDropdown) - to run lint only on files with this pattern (it is pretty fuzzy, maybe will match more files then you expect)


As runner we are using Jest library. With component snapshot testing feature. Some story about snapshot testing

  • run yarn test (npm run test) - it runs eslint and all tests
  • run yarn jest (npm run jest) - it runs just tests
  • run yarn tdd (npm run tdd) - it runs tests with watch and rerun on change
  • run yarn jest:update (npm run jest:update) - Updates snapshots (recommend to run it only with -- TestName to prevent overwriting other snapshots)
  • run yarn jest[:update] -- VersionsDropdown (npm run jest[:update] -- VersionsDropdown) - for run tests only for particular files selected by regexp


Add assets

Whole application is bundled by Webpack, not just js and coffee script files but also stylesheets (less, css), media and image files. Assets should be loaded by require or import function.


Add New Component (extractor, writer or application)