AppMetrica sample for Windows Phone, Windows Store, .NET 4.5

What this is

Sample applications using AppMetrica SDK.

Required reading

Please check out the AppMetrica documentation page.


Register for a Yandex ApiKey.

You can register your app at the: AppMetrica homepage.

Reference assemblies

To start using Yandex.Metrica for Apps SDK:

  • Reference AppMetrica nuget package in your Visual Studio project.


There are six sample applications using AppMetrica:

  • Yandex.Metrica.wp8 Windows Phone 8.0
  • Yandex.Metrica.wpa81 Windows Phone 8.1
  • Yandex.Metrica.wp81Silverlight Windows Phone 8.1 (Silverlight)
  • Yandex.Metrica.windows8 Windows Store
  • Yandex.Metrica.net45.WPF .NET 4.5 WPF
  • Yandex.Metrica.net45.WindowsForms .NET 4.5 Windows Forms

Important: Samples don't use any ApiKey value. The key should be specified in App.xaml or App.xaml.cs or Program.cs.

To get your own ApiKey register your application here: AppMetrica homepage.

Note: Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern was not used in the samples. It’s done this way in order to make the code browsing and understanding easier for the SDK user.


Which types of applications and frameworks are supported by the SDK?

  • Windows Phone applications (8.0 and higher).
  • Windows Store applications.
  • .NET 4.5 applications.

Is there any more documentation available?

The SDK classes, interfaces, functions have comments in standard C# XML format. Besides that there is documentation on the AppMetrica API page


License agreement on use of AppMetrica SDK is available at: