This is a basic bootstrap template I currently use for my webiste. This version will constantly be changing in order to accomidate the growing needs of my site. This is a simple bootstrap design for PHP integration.
A very simple Bootstrap Template for the PHP framework. Bootstrap V 3.1.1 is included as doesn't contain any edits. All modifications to the template are happening in index.css & index2.css. These CSS files are called in the template/includes folder. The tempate/includes folder also holds the folders Bootstrap, JQuerry, and php subfolders. Bootstrap and JQuerry are the files sent with the V3.1.1 version of Bootstrap.
The PHP subfolder in Template/includes holds the following files...
###footer.php This file is the footer of the website, used throughout. Making modification to this file will be carried over between all php files.
###header.php Like the footer.php this file is the header of hte website, used throughout. Again, modifications to this file will be used on all php files.
###includebottom.php This file will be included in under the footer, and above the body tag in a normal PHP document. This exists incase you want to make mutiple copies like bellow. Here you can make copies to call new JS files or add specific functions to one page only. Where scripts should be called after all content is loaded. Mostly Javascript files.
###includeindex.php & includeindex2.php These two files server the same purpose. There just calling a different CSS file. This is where you should included files that should be called before any content loaded. This file includes the websites meta data, favicon, title, and CSS links.
###Normal This edition eliminates the margin on the sides. Also gives you an announcment bar at the top of the site, and centers the navbar.
The current version is currently considered Version 2. Added the Normal edition of the template.
This is currently released under the MIT.
FONTS- Used the following OFL & public domain fonts
- Fjalla One
- Archivo Black
- Lobster Two