
Quantum optics experimental management suite

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Qudi is a suite of tools for operating multi-instrument and multi-computer laboratory experiments. Originally built around a confocal fluorescence microscope experiments, it has grown to be a generally applicaple framework for controlling experiments.


  • A modular and extendable architecture
  • Access to devices on other computers over network
  • XYZ piezo or galvo control for confocal fluorescence microscopy via National Instruments X-Series devices
  • Position optimization for fluorescent spots
  • Tracking of fluorescent spots
  • Tektronix AWG 5000 7000 and 70000 support for pulsed microwave experiments
  • Anritsu MG37022A and MG3696B, R&S SMIQ and SMR support for ODMR measurements
  • Getting spectra from the WinSpec32 spectroscopy software
  • Thorlabs APT motor control
  • Magnetic field alignment for NV- in diamond via fluorescence, ODMR and nuclear spin
  • etc.


If you are publishing scientific results, mentioning Qudi in your methods decscription is the least you can do as good scientific practice. We are preparing a paper about the software and DOIs for releases, which will make this process easier and more reliable.


User and code documentation about Qudi is located at http://qosvn.physik.uni-ulm.de/qudi-docs .

Continuous integration

Build Status Build status Scrutinizer Code Quality


Feel free to register and add issues to our trac at http://qosvn.physik.uni-ulm.de/trac/qudi . and pull requests for improvements on github at https://github.com/Ulm-IQO/qudi .

The code in pull requests should be clean, PEP8-compliant and commented, as with every academic institution in Germany, our resources in the area of software development are quite limited.

Do not expect help, debugging efforts or other support.


Almost all parts of Qudi are licensed under GPLv3 (see LICENSE.txt) with the exception of some files that originate from the Jupyter/IPython project. These are under BSD license, check the file headers and the documentation folder.

Check COPYRIGHT.txt for a list of authors and the git history for their individual contributions.