
In This Repo I am arranging most of the popular android interview questions with their respective answer with respective explanation, which are asked in most of the interviews.

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Android Interview Questions & Answers

In This Repo I am arranging most of the popular android interview questions with their respective answer with respective explanation, which are asked in most of the interviews.

  • Planning to share some of the most asked android interview questions and answers videos with code explanation.
  • (One Interview Question almost everyday)

Please keep your love and support with Native Mobile Bits ❤️

Questions with Answers

Garbage Collector in Android, what is it? how it works?

What is the use of JvmField Annotation?

JvmOverloads and when to use it?

JvmStatic Annotation in Kotlin - what is it, when to use it?

When to use Sealed Class, how it's different than Enum Class

WHAT? HOW? WHY? of Dependency Injection

SSL Pinning and Vulnerabilities Handling in Android.

Modular Android App Architecture (Build to scale)

How to Debug your Android apps with Charles Proxy.

Design Patterns for Scalabe Softwares

Builder Design Pattern what is it? - Code Implementation & Examples || Advantages & need

Factory Design Pattern - What, Why and How with Code & Examples

Singleton Design Pattern || how to Implement with Eager & Lazy Loading

-- more questions with answers coming soon. --

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About the author

I am a developer from India, built products for several startups, including 2 startups as Unicorns 🦄

Lets connect over here :)

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