
problems from interviewBit website (Java version)

Primary LanguageJava

programming problems from interviewBit

Problems that are not included by or different from Leetcode (2015.07.13)

Problem in interviewBit Note
L4 check points: Find Next Greater Element use stack to keep indices of an ascending order
[Hashing] Two Sum In leetcode, there is only one solution, InterviewBit requires to find the combination with least number for index1
[Binary Search] Books ] difficult binary search
[Binary Search] Power remainer difficult: very larger power
[Two Pointers] Trick.MAXONE See also [Leetcode 076] keep a window and update window when invariant is broken
[Two Pointers]Trick.APP3PTR use two pointers on sorted array, move the pointer to shrink gap
[Two Pointers] Sorting.DIFF fast-slow window, not all sorted array is going to use binary search
[Arrays] BucketOrSorting.HOTEL Great problem, build an event queue to solve problem
[Dynamic Programming] ADJACENT apply greedy choice in adjacent neighbors for dp program
[Dynamic Programming] MAXCOIN Minmax algorithm


interviewBit Leetcode# Problem
math.REVINT 007 reverse integer (monitor Stack Overflow)
math.ROMAN2INT 013 convert roman number to decimal number
math.FACTORIAL 177 find trailing zeros in n!
binarysearch.SimpleBinarySearch.SEARCH2D 074 convert 2D coordinates to 1D index
strings.PALINDROME 125 validate palindrome string
strings.LCP 014 longest common prefix
strings.COUNT_SAY 038 count and say
strings.LONGESTPALIN 005 longest palindromic substring
strings.LENGTHLAT length of last word
strings.REVWORD 151
strings.STRSTR 028 implement strStr
strings.IPADDRESS 093 parse ip address string
strings.ZIGZAG 006 zig zag conversion
strings.ADDBINARY 067 add binary numbers
strings.TEXTJUST 068 text justification
twopointers.Sorting.DIFFK two pointers
twopointers.Tricks.CONTAINER 011 head - tail pointers
twopointers.Trick.MAXONE keep a valid window
linkedlists.SORTLIST 148 sort list in O(nlgn)
stacksandqueues.PARENTHESIS 020
hashing.REPEATSTR 003 hashing + two pointers