
Implementation of a console-based social networking application

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Implementation of a console-based social networking application (similar to Twitter) satisfying the scenarios below.


Posting: Alice can publish messages to a personal timeline

> Alice -> I love the weather today  
> Bob -> Damn! We lost!  
> Bob -> Good game though.  

Reading: Bob can view Alice’s timeline

> Alice  
I love the weather today (5 minutes ago)  
> Bob  
Good game though. (1 minute ago)  
Damn! We lost! (2 minutes ago)  

Following: Charlie can subscribe to Alice’s and Bob’s timelines, and view an aggregated list of all subscriptions

> Charlie -> I'm in New York today! Anyone want to have a coffee?  
> Charlie follows Alice  
> Charlie wall  
Charlie - I'm in New York today! Anyone want to have a coffee? (2 seconds ago)  
Alice - I love the weather today (5 minutes ago)  
> Charlie follows Bob  
> Charlie wall  
Charlie - I'm in New York today! Anyone wants to have a coffee? (15 seconds ago)  
Bob - Good game though. (1 minute ago)  
Bob - Damn! We lost! (2 minutes ago)  
Alice - I love the weather today (5 minutes ago)  


  • The application uses the console for input and output.
  • Users submit commands to the application.
  • There are four commands. “posting”, “reading”, etc. are not part of the commands.
  • Commands always start with the user’s name.
  • posting: user name -> message
  • reading: user name
  • following: user name follows another user
  • wall: user name wall

How to run the application

  • Clone the repository.
  • Enter repository folder.
  • Run the app with: .\gradlew run -q --console=plain in Windows or ./gradlew run -q --console=plain in Linux.
  • Alternatively you can also run from within the IDE: Load the class com.lookiero.ConsoleTwitter and run the main() function.
  • To stop the app, press Ctrl + C


A series of tests have been added with the following coverage:

To run the tests, execute .\gradlew test (./gradlew test in Linux)

Report is generated in .\consoletwitter\build\reports\tests\test\index.html