
Library for working with media images (ROMs, disk images), especially from older video game consoles

Primary LanguageC#


dumplib is a .NET library for working with data dumped from other media, such as optical disks, with an emphasis on video game consoles.

Concepts and Objects


The MediaImage object represents all of the data on a medium. Game console cartridge dumps (ROMs) or disk images can be MediaImages. dumplib contains a number of MediaImage derivatives for various classic game consoles: NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Virtual Boy, Famicom Disk System, Nintendo 64, Genesis/Megadrive, Gamegear, Master System, NeoGeo Pocket


Some devices that dump data from a medium to a file may alter the data to be compatible with that device in particular; this is especially true for the 16-bit era game copiers. The IDumpConverter interface contains a method to convert the data back to the original format on the medium. dumplib contains a number of IDumpConverter objects: SNES dumpers (Super Magicom, Super Wild Card, Pro Fighter), Famicom Disk System dump formats (Pasofami, fwNES), NES dump formats (iNES), Nintendo64 dumpers (CD64, Doctor V64), Genesis dumpers (Super Magicdrive)


The ImageMap object is a representation of image map (.imp) files. Image maps define offsets and lengths inside a media image as particular types of data.

IColorConverter, IPaletteConverter, ITileConverter