
Work in progress.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Tailwind CSS (https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/create-react-app) Jest Axios

Grid Layout w/ Flexbox


  • have separate test folder (except with create-react-app I guess)
  • describe block should be name of file
  • always do the simple thing to pass the test
  • always do the simplest thing to fix the error you're working on
  • never refactor/change a test while it's in red (if multiple tests)

use 'it.skip'


  • the 'it' function defines a single test

have it start with a present tense verb

  • the 'test' function is equivalent to 'it'

stick to 'it' since we're doing behavior driven development style of TDD

  • 'toMatch' function is called a matcher (there's a variety)
  • in order to get to the real implementation, we need to add more tests => a process called triangulation

Run Tests:

  • npm test
  • npm test --coverage
  • npm test -- --coverage --watchAll=false