
Still in developing... Definitely not a stable release.

Read this doc.

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How to swiftly test your new sketch?

  1. In sketch/, create a file, say XXX.h. Remember,
    • Inherit from SketchBase and carefully specify template arguments and their order.
    • When written critical method like update(), remember to put an override specifier at the end of the declaration. For a complete list of such method, see this page.
    • To quickly pick up, you may mimic sketch/BloomFilter.h and sketch/CMSketch.h.
  2. In test/, create another file, say XXXTest.h. Remember,
    • Inherit from TestBase and keep your template arguments same as for your sketch.
    • To quickly pick up, you may mimic test/BloomFilterTest.h and test/CMSketchTest.h. For a complete list of methods and members you can use here, see this page.
    • Organize the metric and anything configurable related to the sketch in a config file.
  3. Go back to the working space folder, and run It automatically generates driver/XXXDriver.cpp. You have to provide the name of the test file name, of the author, path to the default config file and template argument. Use -h for helping message. The python script generates driver based on a template C++ program driver.txt. See it for yourself.
  4. Eventually, add two lines, namely add_executable([name of the exe] driver/XXXDriver.cpp) and target_link_libraries([name of the exe] OmniTools fmt), to CMakeLists.txt. At this point, go to build/ and run cmake ..; make. If it succeeds, you can now run it from the terminal!
  5. Oops! Do NOT forget to add configurations to your config file.

Roadmap of developing

Here is a diagram demonstrating the roadmap of developing. Arrows stand for dependency. A concrete arrow means done, while a dashed one means yet to do. As you can see, there is a lot of stuff lay in store. Any voluntary work is sincerely appreciated.

graph LR
	A[Framwork]-->B[hashing classes]-.->C[validity testing]-.->D[Perf eval / collision detection]-.->E[documentation]
	A-.->F[Counter Hierarchy]-.->G[validity testing]-.->N[documentation]
	A-.->H[Transition sketches]-.->I[Optimized with CH]-.->J[Perf eval]-.->N
	H-.->K[validity testing]-.->L[documentation]
	A-.->M[validity test]
  • validity testing: Justify the validity of implementations to (hopefully) rule out any bugs. Suggested ways of doing so:

    • Testing on handwoven minimal samples.
    • Cross-check source code.

    Codes in framework have undergone thorought testing except for those in namespace OmniSketch::Test.