Survival Plugin from Kalimero2's Community Server

Currently contains:

  • Chunk Claiming
  • Discord Whitelist Bot
  • An Introduction Command

How to compile Jar from Source

You need JDK 17 and an internet connection

git clone

./gradlew build


Command Description Permission Alias
/admin reload Reloads the Plugin survivalplugin.admin.reload
/admin database reload Reloads the Database survivalplugin.admin.database.reload
/admin database purge [player] Removes Player from Whitelist survivalplugin.admin.database.purge
/admin alts [player] Shows alternative Accounts linked to the same Discord Account survivalplugin.admin.alts
/admin tab header [header] Sets the Player List Header
/admin tab header [footer] Sets the Playe List Footer
/admin claims [player] Shows the claimed Chunks owned by the Player
/admin unclaim-all [player] Removes all Claims owned by the Player survivalplugin.admin.unclaim-all
/admin chunk claim [message] Creates a Team/Admin Claim survivalplugin.admin.claim
/admin chunk unclaim Removes a Team/Admin Claim survivalplugin.admin.unclaim
/admin set-max-claims [player] [amount] Changes the Claim Limit of the Player survivalplugin.admin.set-max-claims
/admin add-max-claims [player] [amount] Adds to the current Claim Limit of the Player the [amount] survivalplugin.admin.add-max-claims
/admin tpchunk [x] [z] Teleports you to the Chunk survivalplugin.admin.tpchunk
/admin portal end [true/false] Enables/Disables End Portals survivalplugin.admin.portal.end
/admin portal end-gateway [true/false] Enables/Disables End Gateways survivalplugin.admin.portal.end-gateway
/admin portal nether [true/false] Enables/Disables Nether Portals survivalplugin.admin.portal.nether
/admin max-players [amount] Changes the Player Cap survivalplugin.admin.max-players
/admin maintenance on [text] Enables the Maintenace Mode with the given Text as the Kick Reason survivalplugin.admin.maintenance
/admin maintenance off Disables the Maintenace Mode survivalplugin.admin.maintenance
/chunk Shows Info about the current Chunk
/chunk add [player] Adds the Player to the current Chunk
/chunk remove [player] Removes the Player to the current Chunk
/chunk claim Claims the current Chunk as yours
/chunk unclaim Removes the Claim.
/chunk border Enables a Chunk Border (Useful for Bedrock Players) /cb
/chunk force Toggles Force Mode survivalplugin.chunk.force
/discord [Name] Shows the Discord Account of the Player
/introduction Shows the Player a Book/Form (Java/Bedrock) with Introductions about the Server /info
/mute [player] Mutes/Unmutes the Player survivalplugin.mute
/mute global Mutes/Unmutes the global Chat
/spawn Teleports you to the World Spawn (only in Overworld)
/bed Teleports you to your Bed Spawn Point
/craftingtable Opens the Crafting Table Inventory (Unlocks after Crafting the Item) /ct
/enderchest Opens the Ender Chest Inventory (Unlocks after Crafting the Item) /ec