- 2
Accessing team folders
#203 opened by hello-world-dot-c - 0
Is it not possible to put folders?
#215 opened by mcsimenc - 0
cannot extract downloaded zip files
#214 opened by jchen634 - 0
I'm a noob
#213 opened by Rackersd8 - 1
Cannot logout - "Error: expired_access_token"
#208 opened by bwesen - 1
- 1
- 2
Error: path/conflict/folder/. only after full upload - should be at start of upload
#174 opened by szabgab - 1
Cannot ls the root of the app folder
#209 opened by bwesen - 0
LS -l command
#210 opened by pmagnino - 7
upload / download folders
#182 opened by helenhuangmath - 1
Downloading files from a public folder
#197 opened by axlrosen - 1
- 0
- 1
syncing a whole directory down
#176 opened by szabgab - 2
- 3
Error when uploading a large file
#185 opened by xinyuwang1209 - 1
How to correctly specify the target directory for put?
#152 opened by g40 - 0
Multiple auth.json
#195 opened by Qadisha - 0
Feature requrest: Upload from standard input
#194 opened by ostrolucky - 3
Feature request: Smart Sync
#162 opened by GeoJunkie - 0
How to use specific proxy (not system proxy)?
#189 opened by xwitty - 0
Dropbox CLI Error: ng
#188 opened by arayiksmbatyan - 16
Unable to Re-Setup Dropbox connection
#184 opened by jrdnr - 4
Error: missing_scope/
#154 opened by mauricev - 0
- 0
improved docuemtation (for put)
#175 opened by szabgab - 0
ls only works on directories. It fails when path of individual file is provided
#179 opened by szabgab - 0
Dropbox account for testing
#178 opened by szabgab - 1
Reliably upload 1TB via CLI
#146 opened by mrichman - 2
json:cannot unmarshall object
#163 opened by mauricev - 0
- 1
Random failures in upload: "ng" and "EOF"
#142 opened by aeheathc - 1
How to handle multiple accounts?
#168 opened by bluenote10 - 3
Transfer ownership
#167 opened by diwakergupta - 0
ip error when configure account
#164 opened by orangeSi - 1
Error: invalid_access_token/..
#161 opened by kyle-belle - 1
Step 7 no longer valid? No file named root.go
#160 opened by maurera - 0
- 0
Can it be used to exclude files from syncing?
#157 opened by arcadeperfect - 0
Verbose Logging
#156 opened by MarkMichaelis - 0
Help: put with wildcards
#153 opened by bjenny - 0
- 1
- 1
dbxcli put is slow
#148 opened by tashrifbillah - 2
Can't oauth2 Authorise the app
#145 opened by ke-ss - 1
root.go does not exist.....
#147 opened by brightersun99 - 1
Question - is it possible to get a dir with files ?
#144 opened by yuriw - 0
How to change the configured dropbox account?
#143 opened by nisargshah1999 - 0
Controlling Smartsync from Python
#141 opened by aprknight