- 0
LoadElf(prog.o) failed: loadAndCreateMaps() failed: map.Create() failed: ebpfObjPin to '/sys/fs/bpf/name_persistence_map' failed: File exists
#89 opened by sp3rm0k - 0
LoadElf() failed: loadAndCreateMaps() failed: Invalid binary representation of BPF map
#88 opened by samueljaydan - 0
Incorrect padding causing errors in retrieving Ip/Tcp/Eth layer information with XDP/EBPF.
#86 opened by samueljaydan - 2
Include linux header file failed
#46 opened by qiffang - 1
- 3
- 0
bpf_trace_printk result in LoadElf() failed: loadPrograms() failed: map '' doesn't exist
#83 opened by vincentmli - 1
Crash on PerfEvents Stop()
#79 opened by bogdanvbalan - 1
- 0
ebpf map insert 不支持struct?需要如何支持?
#65 opened by xlango - 1
error while loading BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY map
#63 opened by SunHu1 - 0
- 6
can't run xdp_dump
#60 opened by FrelDX - 1
eBPF program in Go
#55 opened by massoudasadi - 0
My Go program cannot exit, it traps in `p.updateChannel <- p.items[int(p.fds[i])]`
#56 opened by Asphaltt - 1
goebpf for windows
#52 opened by massoudasadi - 4
Should we support af_xdp?
#34 opened by annp1987 - 3
Invalid BPF instruction while bpf map lookup after having called `htons` or `bpf_htons`
#50 opened by martenwallewein - 3
all tests fail
#44 opened by themighty1 - 1
- 4
- 1
perf_event_output doesn't work
#38 opened by bersoare - 4
Attach the same program to multiple interfaces
#37 opened by chenwng - 5
#32 opened by alex60217101990 - 1
arbitrary data type card
#30 opened by alex60217101990 - 3
Question on BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH lookup errors
#26 opened by RebelIT - 3
#23 opened by pangbit - 7
Perf events was supported?
#13 opened by annp1987 - 5
- 13
creating elf file
#8 opened - 2
Difference with other go ebpf libraries
#10 opened by tamalsaha - 1