Developer with research skills. Interested in functional programming, distributed systems, natural language processing, and interactive data-viz.
Constant ContactCambridge, MA
dropofwill's Followers
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- asdbaihu
- ashtonwai@ElectroTempo
- csciutoMedford, Massachusetts
- dkgrammingNYC
- ealtintas
- iHampson
- jaschawilcox
- JosephCoppolaBuffalo
- JRJurmanJellyfish
- kaiwen2timesConstant Contact
- kejem
- lcb931023The Internet
- li-cai
- lowzack@GlossGenius
- mathcoloBoston, MA
- mattdionneConstant Contact
- Petroochio
- RecruiterBillThe Tyche Project
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- ShukratRochester, NY
- thatbraxguyReddit
- TilakMaddyCyfrin
- tongliuTL@Appen
- trevettallen
- weslo@YesAndGames
- yordokBoston, MA