React Ripples Hover

React ripple effect on hover and click component. Customizable, lightweight Google's Material UI style ripple effect


npm install react-ripples-hover


yarn add react-ripples-hover


import React from 'react';
import Link from 'react-ripples-hover';

function TypesExample() {
  return (
      <Link href="/" label="Ripples Hover"></Link>

export default TypesExample;

Component props

Props Description Type Default Optional

One or more button variant combinations

buttons may be one of a variety of visual variants such as:

'primary', 'secondary', ' success', 'danger', ' warning', 'info', ' light'

string Null
href Providing a href will render an{" "} <a> element, styled as a link. string Null
as To render the button tag as="button" use the as prop. string <a>
label Add label for link text string Null
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect string rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)
duration Duration of the ripple effect, measured in seconds number .5
rippleOnClick If you do not want ripple on hover, simply pass rippleOnClick to get a ripple on click. boolean false
icon Icon of the link ReactNode Null
iconPosition Icon position before text is default start{" "} and after text position change position to{" "} end string start
rounded For link rounded corner boolean false
flate For link square corner boolean false
block For link full width boolean false
disabled You will get a disabled class in link or button for link or button disable. boolean false
active You will get a active class in link or button for link or button active. boolean false
className You will get a custom class on link or button. string Null
children The children of the component ReactNode