Drotek SMARTNAV RTK - Hardware and Software - Open Source centimeter level positioning

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Drotek SMARTNAV RTK - Hardware and Software

Modified version to work on SBC by Dror Gluska

Original Project by Drotek is at https://github.com/drotek/SMARTNAV-RTK

Please support the original Drotek Smartnav products at https://drotek.com

Have a look at our wiki for all the instructions! https://drotek.com/en/docs/


Building str2str and rtkrcv

  • install gyp from https://github.com/bnoordhuis/gyp
  • export GYP_PATH="$HOME/Projects/gyp/gyp" or set GYP_PATH="$HOME/Projects/gyp/gyp"
  • cd Software/rtklib-smartnav
  • execute bash build_linux.sh or build_windows.bat, for the moment it builds debug versions
  • copy the binaries (str2str and rtkrcv) from ./build.linux/out/Debug/ to ../binary/

running RTKLIB-Server and RTKLIB-WebConsole

  • install pm2: npm install pm2 -g

cd RTKLIB-RTKRCV && npm install && cd .. cd RTKLIB-Server && npm install && cd .. cd RTKLIB-STR2STR && npm install && cd .. cd RTKLIB-WebConsole && npm install && cd ..

  • pm2 start pm2production.yaml

It should start 4 services, str2str monitoring, rtkrcv monitoring, a server and the webserver.

If you wish to see the logs: pm2 logs







And plenty more to control and monitor rtkrcv and str2str