
A Leiningen plugin to push application uberjars to an AWS s3 bucket, organized by application and branch.

Primary LanguageClojure


A Leiningen plugin to push application uberjars to an AWS s3 bucket, organized by application and branch.

This plugin is similar to s3-wagon in that you configure your project to deploy to s3, but whereas "lein deploy" is for deploying libs, lein-deploy-app is for deploying app uberjars and does not store the uberjars in a Maven repo (as lein-deploy-uberjar does).

A workflow involving lein-deploy-app might involve a ci server or an engineer calling lein deploy-app. Then an operations automation framework like Chef can easily pull down the appropriate application, version, and branch in a staging or production environment.


  1. Put [lein-deploy-app "0.1.0"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj.

  2. Add a project.clj configuration mapping for deploy-app:

  :deploy-app {:s3-bucket "s3p://mybucket/releases/" :creds :env}

:s3-bucket is the bucket/path where you want to deploy your uberjars.

:creds is the credentials type. Presently only :env is supported. If using :env, specify your s3 credentials using the environment variables LEIN_USERNAME and LEIN_PASSWORD.

To deploy your application's uberjar to s3 for the current git branch:

  $ lein deploy-app

To specify some other label instead of current git branch as "branch":

  $ lein deploy-app --branch <NAME>

To Do

:gpg credentials option

If using :gpg, create a gpg encrypted ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg file out of a credentials.clj file of the following form:

{"s3p://mybucket/releases/" {:username "usernamegoeshere"
                             :passphrase "passphrasegoeshere"}}


Author: Robert Levy / @rplevy-draker

Copyright © 2012 Draker, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.