
Upgraded i18n for gitbook

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This plugin adds a button that switches between two languages on Gitbook.

Developed and used for AppAdhoc User Documentation.

Supports only two languages.


The languages can be configured in book.json: (default values shown below)

    "plugins": [
    "pluginsConfig": {
        "i18n": {
            "Lang1": {
                "name": "English",
                "url": "en",
                "include": "[\"index.html\"]"
            "Lang2": {
                "name": "中文",
                "url": "zh",
                "include": "[\"index.html\"]"

Language parameters

The table below lists the meaning of language parameters:

Key Description
name Name to be displayed on the Gitbook page
url Name of language directory (without '/')
include Files that show the i18n button. if not specified, the button will be shown on all files.

The include field exists because developers wish to deploy a work-in-process gitbook translation. In AppAdhoc, the include field is automatically populated.

Populating the include field

The script used by AppAdhoc to automatically populate the include field is the following:

var fs = require('fs');

function stripEndSlashes(dir) {
    if (!dir || typeof dir !== 'string') {
        return '';
    return dir.trim().slice(-1) === '/' ? dir.trim().slice(0, -1) : dir.trim();

function readDir(base, sub, res) {
    const dir = stripEndSlashes(stripEndSlashes(base) + '/' + stripEndSlashes(sub));
    if (!res || !(res instanceof Array)) {
        console.error('Invalid input: ', res);
    const files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
    files.forEach(function (file) {
       if (file.split('.').length === 1) {
           // no '.' in name, might be directory. Recursive search.
           readDir(base, `${stripEndSlashes(sub)}/${file}`, res);
       } else if (file.toLowerCase() === 'summary.md') {
           // SUMMARY.md ignore
       } else if (file.split('.').pop() === 'md') {
           // change .md to .html, README to index, and push in the result array
           const htmlFile = file.replace('README', 'index').replace('.md', '.html');

function generateBookConfig(res, name, url) {
    const obj = {name: name, url: url, include: ''};
    obj.include = JSON.stringify(res.map(function(str) {
        return '/' + url + str;
    return obj;

const result_zh = [];
const result_en = [];
readDir('./app/zh/', '', result_zh);
readDir('./app/en/', '', result_en);
try {
    const book = fs.readFileSync('./_book.json');
    const bookobj = JSON.parse(book);
    bookobj.pluginsConfig.i18n = {};
    bookobj.pluginsConfig.i18n.Lang1 = generateBookConfig(result_zh, 'English', 'en');
    bookobj.pluginsConfig.i18n.Lang2 = generateBookConfig(result_en, '中文', 'zh');
    fs.writeFileSync('./app/book.json', JSON.stringify(bookobj));
} catch (e) {


Set up i18n environment: see Multi-Lingual.