These are materials for the live, online workshop "Calculating with sets: Interval methods in Julia " at JuliaCon 2020, which will take place on Monday 27 July, 2020 at 2pm UTC.
For access, please register for a free ticket at
Install the latest release (1.4.2) of Julia from here
Run Julia. At the Julia prompt, add the packages we will need as follows (copy and paste):
julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.add("IJulia") julia> Pkg.add("Plots") julia> Pkg.add("Interact") julia> Pkg.add("IntervalArithmetic") julia> Pkg.add("IntervalRootFinding") julia> Pkg.add("IntervalConstraintProgramming") julia> Pkg.add("IntervalOptimisation")
Once those packages have finished installing (which will install a collection of other packages that these depend on), type
julia> using IJulia julia> notebook()
This should launch the Jupyter notebook in your browser; this is a web application that provides a computational notegbook interface.
Copy the notebook files (ending in
) from this repository to your computer bygit clone
-ing the repository or downloading the Zip file (hit the green button which saysCode
). -
Navigate inside the file browser in the Jupyter notebook to the place on your computer where the files you just downloaded are. Load notebook number 1!
If you have installation problems you can also view the notebooks online at nbviewer and use e.g. the online service to write Julia code.
If you are on the live call, you can try to describe your problem and ask for help via the chat; hopefully other attendees will be able to assist.
Code in this repository is licensed under the MIT license, and text under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Copyright David P. Sanders 2020
David P. Sanders, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National University of Mexico, UNAM) & Department of Mathematics, MIT.