
Making deployments fun and easy for the developers

Openxcell Cloud is built on top of Kubernetes with cf-for-k8s a distribution of Cloudfoundry managed by the operations team at Openxcell to provide a unified and self service platform for developers to deploy and manage their applications.

Integrated with technologies like open service broker api and paketo we bring you the best in class platform where you can manage applications and their backing services, easily and in a fun way. Install the CLI or use the Stratos Console to get started.

Paketo Buildpacks are based on cloud native buildpack standards to magically convert your source code into production ready container images, that just run.

  • No Dockerfiles
  • No 100's of lines of pipelines


  • Deployment Pipeline Snippet without Cloudfoundry.
.build: # Builds and Pushes the Container Image
    BUILD_ARGS: ""
    DOCKERFILE_PATH: "Dockerfile"
    name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:debug
    entrypoint: [""]
    - cp $ENV_FILE .env || ls
    - mkdir -p /kaniko/.docker
    - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"auth\":\"$(echo -n ${CI_REGISTRY_USER}:${CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD} | base64)\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
    - /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$DOCKERFILE_PATH $BUILD_ARGS --destination $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$IMAGE_TAG
    - development
    - master
    - production
.deploy: # Deploys to Target Server
    url: https://$PROJECT.api.openxcell.dev
    CONT_PORT: ""
    USER: "ubuntu"
    IP_ADDRESS: "api.openxcell.dev"
    DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEMPLATE: "https://${CI_SERVER_HOST}/-/snippets/15/raw"
    name: openxcelltechnolab/ssh:alpine
    - mkdir ~/.ssh
    - cp $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY ~/.ssh/id_rsa && chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    - ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} docker system prune -f
    - ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} docker login $CI_REGISTRY -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD
    - ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} mkdir -p ${DEPLOY_PATH}
    - ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} "curl -sSLk $DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEMPLATE | sed 's%__PROJECT_NAME__%${PROJECT}%g;s%__PORT__%${CONT_PORT}%g;s%__IMAGE_URI__%${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}%g;s%__IMAGE_TAG__%${IMAGE_TAG}%g' > ${DEPLOY_PATH}/docker-compose.yml"
    - ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} "cd ${DEPLOY_PATH}; docker-compose pull"
    - ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} "cd ${DEPLOY_PATH}; docker-compose up -d --force-recreate"
    - development
    - master
    - production
  • Deployment Pipeline Snippet with Cloudfoundry
# Cf Push Uploads the Source to Cloudfoundry API. Build it using Paketo Buildpacks, and Deploys using Eirini Controller on Kubernetes.
        name: $CF_IMAGE # Global Variable providing CF CLI image registry.${CI_SERVER_HOST}/public-resources/gitlab-ci:cf-cli
        entrypoint: [""]
    - development
      name: development
      url: https://$PROJECT-$SERVICE.$DEV_BASE_DOMAIN # DEV_BASE_DOMAIN is set as global variable with value apps.openxcell.dev
      # on_stop: stop_cf
        - cf login -a $CF_API -u $DEPLOY_USER -p $DEPLOY_TOKEN -o $ORG -s $SPACE
        - cf push > /dev/null

Embracing Devops

At Openxcell we strive to embrace a Devops culture and mindset, and this is one such attempt to bring a cultural shift to the organization, by creating consistent and streamlined processes across teams, shifting responsibility and accountability of the application development to their respective teams.

Quick Setup


Download Installer


  • Debian/Ubuntu
curl -sSLk https://docs.apps.openxcell.dev/scripts/install-deb.sh | sudo bash
  • RHEL/Fedora
curl -sSLk https://docs.apps.openxcell.dev/scripts/install-rhel.sh | sudo bash


Using HomeBrew

brew install cloudfoundry/tap/cf-cli@8

or Download Installer

Configure Cloudfoundry API Endpoint

cf api api.cloud.openxcell.dev

Login to Cloudfoundry CLI

cf login --sso


API endpoint: https://api.cloud.openxcell.dev

Temporary Authentication Code ( Get one at https://uaa.cloud.openxcell.dev/passc
ode ): 
  • Open the temporary passcode url in your browser.

  • If you are already logged in on browser it will show the token right away copy and paste it on CLI

  • Otherwise on the Cloudfoundry Login Page below Login From: Click on Openxcell SSO login to keycloak it will redirect to the passcode page.

  • If you are already logged in to browser you can go directly to https://uaa.cloud.openxcell.dev/passcode and get the temporary passcode, which you can use to login to cli using the following command

cf login --sso-passcode PASSCODE

Set Target Org and Space

cf target -o sandbox -s sandbox-<id>

!> sandbox org is a common sandbox area to test with the platform. Replace it with the space name provided by the Administrators, ususally it will be the name of the project.

Please contact Administrators for more details.

Start Deploying

Follow the docs for specific platforms to configure and deploy.