
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chess API

This API simulates a chess game using RESTful API endpoints.


  • POST /game/new - Creates new game - returns game ID and a pre-populated board
  • GET /game/:game_id - current state of the gameboard
  • PUT /game/:game_id - uses Chess Notation to make a move - ex. { "moveStatement": "e4" } - Moves the white pawn on e2 to e4
  • GET /game/:game_id/possibleMoves/:move - Uses Chess Notation to see possible moves - ex. /game/608209c4480e828b83f020bd/possibleMoves/e4 - Shows an array of possible moves from that point on the board
  • GET /game/:game_id/history - history of the game - not implemented

Example Game Board Data Object

  "createdAt": <<unix time>>,
  "updatedAt": <<unix time>>,
  "id": << auto generated id >>,
  "currentPlayer": "white",
  "board": {
    "a1": {
      "state": {
        "occupied": true,
        "color": "W",
        "piece": "R"
    "a2": {
      "state": {
        "occupied": true,
        "color": "W",
        "piece": "P"
    "a3": {
      "state": {
        "occupied": false,
        "color": null,
        "piece": null

Example Possible Moves Data Object

    "validMoves": [

Understanding Chess Notation


External Libraries

  1. sails-mongo - Used to connect to mongodb

System Requirements

  1. Node.js 14
  2. MongoDB


To use this app, check it out from Github, then do the following:

  1. npm install
  2. sails lift
  3. Use http://localhost:1337/ as the host name in all your requests.

This is an API-only application. There is no UI.