
how to properly sum redshift PDFs of galaxies

Primary LanguageTeX


How should we properly combine the photometric redshift PDFs of galaxies?

Build Status Read our research notes as we think about this.

Credits, Contact etc

Currently working on this project are:

  • Daniel Gruen (KIPAC)
  • Phil Marshall (KIPAC)
  • Chris Davis (KIPAC)

This is research in progress. If we do anything with this work at all beyond publishing it here, it'll likely be some sort of very short Research Note. All content is Copyright 2016 The Authors, and any code we write will be made available for re-use under the MIT License (which basically means you can do anything you like with it but you can't blame us if it doesn't work). If you end up using any of the ideas or code in this repository in your own research, please cite (Gruen et al 2016), and provide a link to this repo's URL: https://github.com/danielgruen/sumzz. However, long before you get to that point, we'd love it if you got in touch with us! You can write to us with comments or questions any time using this repo's issues. We welcome new collaborators.