Practica LS2 2019/20

Nom del grup:

Membres del grup:


There are two applications:

  • Java Spring JPA backend (run in 8080)
  • React Redux frontend (run in 3000)

The deploy merges both into one single war.

Setup Java BackEnd:

  • Open the project with IntelliJ
    (it will install all maven dependencies)

Setup Javascript BackEnd:

  • Execute yarn install

Develop Run

  • Run the from intellij
  • Run yarn start from command line
  • Open the browser in http://localhost:3000 (the react opens a proxy with the backend and uses actual services)

React editor:

  • Recommended Visual Studio Code
  • Recommended extensions:
    • EditorConfig for VS Code
    • ESLint
    • Prettier

Run Tests

Tests must be executed always successfully in the Backend (Intellij) and then in the Frontend.

  1. Execute all tests inside the package
  2. Run yarn test -i --watchAll

Important Note:
Backend tests must run always before FrontEnd tests. Java uses the target/ to store a copy of the markdowns and save the snapshots.
Any change to markdowns is not visible by the frontend until the backend execute them.

Deploy on heroku

The first time:

  • Create an account in Heroku
  • Create a project called planets-game-${yourPlanet}
  • Follow the instructions to use your current repository with heroku
    (probably something like git add remote heroku https://... )

Each deploy:

  • Be sure that you are in master and you have the latests changes
  • Be sure that everything works
  • Execute ./ (it requires bash)