ssh_decrypt_automation tool

What is this?

This tool automates the process of dumping multiple iOS apps at once in jailbroken devices


  • Check out LICENSE before using this software.
  • Do not use Clutch or bfdecrypt for piracy!
  • Please, do not spam NyaMisty with logs of this software
    • iOS 15 implemented many jailbreak mitigation techniques, dumping apps became harder than it used to be, so do not ask for fixes
  • I'm not responsible for any damage or data lost that could happen for using this software

You've been warned


Tested with:

Device iOS version Jailbreak
iPhone XR (A12) 15.1 XinaA15
iPad Mini 5 (A12) 15.1 XinaA15

Unfortunately I don't own a checkm8 compatible device on iOS 15

This tool should work with root and rootless jailbreaks (bfdecrypt)

Operating system Python version
macOS Monterey 12.5 (ARM64) 3.9.6
Debian 11 (ARM64) 3.10.4
Windows 11 (ARM64) 3.11.2 (x86-64)

Note: At the moment, paramiko is not installable in Python3 for ARM in Windows


  1. Python >= 3.9
    • If you're on Windows, you'll need to add python to PATH under installer options
  2. paramiko
  3. Clutch
  4. bfdecrypt
  5. SSH client for your PC and SSH server for your iOS device
    • If you're using XinaA15, make sure to activate open SSH server under Option tab
    • Most Linux distros have an SSH client
    • Windows (10, 11) and macOS includes by default an SSH client


  • You'll need Clutch or bfdecrypt (both if you want).
  • To get bfdecrypt to work with iOS 15 (Tested with XinaA15), you'll need libSparkAppList and fenfenS' bfdecrypt
  • If you already have bfdecrypt working (with AppList), it should work just fine


  • Open your preferred terminal

  • Clone this repo

$ git clone

# If you don't have git, click "Code" -> "Download ZIP"
  • Provide a copy of Clutch or bfdecrypt (or both)
#   Clutch:
#  * You can skip this if you don't want to use Clutch
# Download the latest version from: 
# Copy "Clutch_troll" to /path/to/ssh_decrypt_automation_tool

#   bfdecrypt:
#  * You can skip this if you already have bfdecrypt working
#    in your device or you don't want to use bfdecrypt
# Download the latest version from: 
# Copy "com.level3tjg.bfdecrypt.deb" to /path/to/ssh_decrypt_automation_tool
# Rename "com.level3tjg.bfdecrypt.deb" as "bfdecrypt.deb"
  • Move into project directory
$ cd ssh_decrypt_automation_tool
  • Install dependencies
# You might need elevated privileges!

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# or
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run using python

# If you're on Linux or macOS
$ python3

# If you're on Windows
$ python


  • How do I find my iOS device IP?
  1. Open settings
  2. Go to Wi-FI section
  3. Click on the i icon of your Wi-Fi network
  4. Under IPV4 ADDRESS section, copy IP ADDRESS field
  5. Done

Note: Your PC must be connected to the same network

  • I keep getting "Please, consider changing ssh default password!" message, how do I change root password?
  1. Open your preferred terminal
  2. Run: ssh root@<your_ios_device_ip>
    • e.g: ssh root@
  3. Enter alpine as password
  4. Run: passwd
  5. Enter your password
    • You won't see anything, it's normal
    • Write your new password and then press enter
  6. Confirm your password
  7. Done
  • I can't find the option to dump apps, where is it?
  1. Connect your Apple device
  2. Select 3. Select decrypt utility (needed to decrypt apps) in the main menu
  3. Select your preferred option
    • Fallback means that if first option fails, the second one will be used immediately to retry app decryption
  4. Done
  • I don't want to enter the IP address, username or password each time I use this software, is there any solution?


  1. Run the project
  2. Connect your idevice
  3. Select S. Setting on the main menu
  4. Enable / disable features as you wish
    • username and password are saved as plain text!
  5. Done
  • Shall I use Clutch or bfdecrypt?

Depends on which works better for you, for me: bfdecrypt

App name Clutch bfdecrypt
Terraria Success Success
Apollo Failed Failed
RedditApp Failed Success
WhatsApp Failed Success
Telegram Failed Success
Discord Failed Success
... ... ...
  • My app keeps failing when dumping, what can I do?

Unfortunately, there isn't a workaround for those applications, so maybe ask anyone else if they can dump that app for you

  • Alternatively, you can use bfdecrypt if Clutch fails (this might not work as well)



  • Fixed bug where decrypt method won't be saved if the option is selected from the main menu


  • Added support for bfdecrypt
  • Fixed Windows experience


  • Minor bug fixes
  • Fixed bug where the script couldn't connect (Time out!) and it keeps trying until "too many attempts" error is raised
  • Fixed bug where the script would crash when attempting to delete temporary data but there isn't a cache directory


  • Improved app detection


  • Initial project