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Ayurveda- the oldest medical system known to mankind, treats the person using herbs. This traditional science strongly believes that the diseases are due to an imbalance in Body humors called- Doshas. If these Doshas increases, they will cause disease. To treat the disease, Ayurveda uses various herbs (and some minerals too). These herbs act on the Doshas through- Rasa (taste): The taste of the drug will have an influence on Doshas. Ex. Sweet taste (madhura Rasa) will decrease the Vata and Pitta Guna (Properties): Certain properties like oiliness, heaviness will increase Kapha Veerya (Potency): It can be of Usha (hot) or Sheeta (Cold) rarely Anushna (either hot or cold) that will have an impact on Doshas Vipaka (Final transformation): It can be of Madhura (sweet), Amla (sour), and Katu (pungent- hot taste) Dosha: The overall outcome of any drug can be understood as VS (Vata shamaka- decreases Vata), PS (Pitta shamaka- decreases Pitta), KS(Kapha shamaka- decreases Kapha), TS (Tridosha shamaka- decreases Vata, Pitta and Kapha), VPS (Vata Pitta shamaka- decreases Vata and Pitta), VKS (Vata Kapha shamaka- decreases Vata and Kapha), PKS (Pitta Kapha shamaka- decreases Pitta and Kapha) So, in the given data set, Dosha is the target variable i.e we try to understand that which of the above components- Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, will have an impact on Doshas
drprasannakulkarni's Repositories
Ayurveda- the oldest medical system known to mankind, treats the person using herbs. This traditional science strongly believes that the diseases are due to an imbalance in Body humors called- Doshas. If these Doshas increases, they will cause disease. To treat the disease, Ayurveda uses various herbs (and some minerals too). These herbs act on the Doshas through- Rasa (taste): The taste of the drug will have an influence on Doshas. Ex. Sweet taste (madhura Rasa) will decrease the Vata and Pitta Guna (Properties): Certain properties like oiliness, heaviness will increase Kapha Veerya (Potency): It can be of Usha (hot) or Sheeta (Cold) rarely Anushna (either hot or cold) that will have an impact on Doshas Vipaka (Final transformation): It can be of Madhura (sweet), Amla (sour), and Katu (pungent- hot taste) Dosha: The overall outcome of any drug can be understood as VS (Vata shamaka- decreases Vata), PS (Pitta shamaka- decreases Pitta), KS(Kapha shamaka- decreases Kapha), TS (Tridosha shamaka- decreases Vata, Pitta and Kapha), VPS (Vata Pitta shamaka- decreases Vata and Pitta), VKS (Vata Kapha shamaka- decreases Vata and Kapha), PKS (Pitta Kapha shamaka- decreases Pitta and Kapha) So, in the given data set, Dosha is the target variable i.e we try to understand that which of the above components- Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, will have an impact on Doshas