
tetrominoes in lua with love2d

Primary LanguageLua


tetrominos in lua


  • have Love2d on your system (apt install love, for example)
  • git clone https://github.com/drproteus/sirtet.git
  • love sirtet


  • any key starts from the title.
  • left and right to move your piece side to side.
  • up rotates clockwise.
  • down accelerates downward motion
  • space hard drops the piece where it would fall vertically.
  • p pauses the game
  • when paused, q exits the application
  • g toggles ghosting (initially off)
  • 1-0 sets the "level" to this number-- just modifies speed where the higher the level, the faster the piece (save 0, which is MAX LEVEL).

NOTE: there is no counter-clockwise motion... yet!


Bonus: LastFM Top Albums (at the time) Tileset

love sirtet images/96.png
